Monday, April 18, 2011

Guess What Jeremy Was Doing 31 Years ago?

He was being born!!!

So, to celebrate we did the traditional presents and cake & ice cream with a little embarrassment by taking him balloons and candy to his work. Much to Kylie's dismay we're not huge partiers and that's about as exciting as we get. Jase sang Happy Birthday all day long. Lately he's been singing Happy Birthday to Heavenly Father, but today we was willing to sing to "daddy." I think Jeremy is just grateful the day is over and as much as he has been dreading turning 31 (way more then 30 in fact) I think he just may survive! 


Jamie said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy

Chilidog said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! - Your the greatest. You don't look a day older than 25, in fact if you didn't have a 4 year old I would have guessed that you were only 21!