Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Picture Tag

I normally don't participate in tags because I feel dumb writing a whole bunch of stuff about myself, but I love to read other peoples tags, and maybe my kids will like to read them someday so maybe I should start participating. I like this tag because first of all its a picture of Kylie and second I am feeling really self-conscious having that picture I posted of myself at the top of my blog.

This is the 4th picture in my fourth folder. It's a picture of Kylie last May on our way to my mom's triathlon. May was only 6 months ago and I think Kylie looks so young right here. She looks so much more like a baby and her cheeks are kinda chubby in this smile. That's the normal position Kylie sits in in the car with her arms behind her head. I tag my sister Lexie who ever has a picture in the fourth spot in their fourth folder they want to write about.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm not really sure how I feel about posting a picture of myself, but I took a few with Kylie and I should probably do the same this time. This is at 25 weeks. I had a doctors appointment today and everything went really well. Besides the normal heartburn and can't getting comfortable to sleep I have pretty easy uneventful pregnancies once I am pregnant. It's getting to that point that is sometimes tough. I think that 25 weeks doesn't sound very far, but only 15 weeks to go sounds pretty good. And I hope having all the holidays in there too will help the time to pass. I go back in three weeks and then I will go every 2 weeks after that. I feel like when I get to this point and I am going to the doctor more often then it won't be too long until he's here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

For The Second Time

I seem to remember that not too long ago I was in a situation very similar to this one.

I knew she was being way too quiet for way too long. I went to take the picture and Kylie says, "Wait mom, I want to be standing." Then right after I take it she says "Oh that will be a cute one." Yeah, real cute Kylie!! Then in the middle of my million card pick-up she grabs the camera and says, "I need to take a picture of you cleaning this up." What would I do without her, really?? Needless to say I have learned that that cupboard probably isn't the best place for the card box.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

All I have been wanting to do since the beginning of October is take Kylie to a pumpkin patch. I am not sure why this was so important to me, but I just thought she would have a good time. I found out there was a really fun pumpkin patch out in Washington that had a corn maze, a petting zoo and tractor rides, so we checked it out yesterday. My sister Ashley come down to visit for the weekend so her and Jeremy's brother Jon and his wife Amy and their kids Logan, Alayna and Kurt all came with us. Kylie loved being there with her cousins and of course I took a million pictures.

Kylie, Logan, Kurt and Alayna on the tractor ride over to the corn maze
We had a fun time trailing through the corn paths. Our goal was to get to the bell in the middle of the maze. We seemed to have been turned around a hit it a couple times.
Jeremy tried his hand at roping. He was pretty good at it. He hit the dummy bull the first time.

Apparently we can't get enough of these little trains. Here is to the 5th time riding them this year. Kurt wasn't so sure about it at first, but he came back with a smile on his face.

I wasn't sure how Kylie would react to the animals, but she actually warmed up to them pretty well after a minute. Jeremy showed her how to feed the horses and she thought that was pretty fun.

She tried it a few times with Ashley also.

They had a slide that landed in a corn box rather than a sand box.

Kylie really liked it and I thought it was a pretty good idea. It's a lot easier to clean her up after.

The pumpkin patch was a bit scarce, but we managed to find a pretty good one.

We were so glad Ashley could come with us. Kylie loved having her there and Ashley was so good at making sure Kylie was having a good time.

I thought we had a pretty good time. It was kind of weird because when I think of fall and pumpkin patches I think of jackets and cold weather, but it was a hot day and we enjoyed it in our short sleeves and the shade.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Funny Conversation With Kylie

This conversation may only be funny to those who were there or if she is your child, but Jeremy and I laughed so hard we were crying...and then it made Kylie upset to see tears running down our faces.

Last night after we had returned home from a cold walk (by the way, we did not suffer through a blazing summer to have a freezing winter, it better warm back up just a little! ) and drank some hot chocolate Jeremy, Kylie and I were sitting on the couch just having a little chat. Kylie insists that Jeremy has a bald spot. She has brought this up a number of times. Clearly he does not have one. He has enough hair to donate to about 10 men and still have some for himself. Anyways, she brought up his bald spot again last night. She also insists that neither her or I have one (which is correct). Jeremy then asked her if Elmo has a bald spot and she says "No, Elmo is on T.V." Then Jeremy asks, "So, if you are on T.V. then you don't have bald spots?" Kylie says, "Yep" Jeremy then says, "Well, then I better get on T.V." Kylie then says to Jeremy in a very serious tone "No, Daddy you don't fit." Apparently our T.V. is way to small and Jeremy would never fit inside. It is so funny to think she has come to that assumption. Maybe she should go check out either of her grandpa's T.V.s and let us know if he would fit in them.

One more thing, Kylie now thinks she is way to "busy" for me. This morning I tried to get her dressed and she said "Mom, I way to busy" as she sat rocking in her rocking chair.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Leaves

My Grandma called and invited us to come up to the New Harmony Apple Festival with her. Good thing we dressed warm because it was COLD! Kylie was shivering and we stayed just long enough to get some apples, listen to some folk music and ride the little tractor pulled train.

We then decided that since we were pretty much to Cedar that we would drive up the canyon and check out the fall leaves. I am not sure if we were too late or too early, but I felt like the changed leaves were few and far between. I have been up that canyon when both sides of the road were solid yellow, orange and red. We did manage to find a pretty good little spot and took a few pictures.

I always have these images in my head of these amazing pictures with beautiful crisp backgrounds, the perfect lighting and everyone smiling their very best all at the same time. Most of the time I am just a little bit disappointed to say the least. I am sure a lot of the time it's the photographer's fault, but I am also blaming my camera. Maybe someday I can get a really expensive one that takes awesome pictures. I still wanted to get a few pictures with all of us in it so Jeremy, being the most patient and handy guy I know was able to set up the camera to get us all. It took us quite a few tries, but we managed to get a few.

At first we didn't realize there was a weed in our way...

Kylie has the cutest, biggest smile in this one, but I look mean...

And then it started snowing on us.

It was fun to get out and experience the beautiful things around us and enjoy a day together.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living For These Moments

I love the reminder that President Monson gave us to live in the moment. These are a few of the things that make living in the moment amazing.
The other night Kylie was sitting on the counter helping me make dinner except she was eating the ingredient faster that I could put them all together. Finally after she had them all over her lips she said "Mmmm, Telishious!"

Speaking of eating Kylie uses two methods that seem to work really well for her.

Eating like a dog... (this happens quite regularly)

or more impressively eating with chop-sticks. She's really good at using them. Of course they are tied together at the top, but she can eat her whole plate with them.
including Cheetos

Every time Kylie puts on a hat she calls it her "party hat." She was attached to this hat for a long time and walked around telling me she was wearing her "party hat." She gets it from the book "Go Dog Go."

A little while ago Jeremy was putting together a big cabinet for our food storage and Kylie wanted to play with a pile of screws he had. Jeremy said "Kylie don't play with those, I need them." Kylie looks at him and says "I'm don'ting , dad!" and walked away.

Kyle had been outside playing in the mud at our cabin in Arizona and when she came in I said "Kylie you are a mess" She said "I not a mess, I a girl" She reminds us of that constantly. Anytime we say something like "You are being noisy." she will say "I not noisy, I a girl." She doesn't quite understand she can be both, I guess. But sometimes we will ask her if she is a girl and she will say "No, I a princess." We can never get it right.

Kylie was helping me make cookies one day and she said "Mom, I cookening." Her favorite part is licking the beaters and waiting for the timer to beep.

I CAN NOT keep Kylie off the counter and out of the sink. She LOVES to be up there. Some days (actually most days) it drivings me crazy. Her favorite thing to do is, of course play in the water and wash some sort of body part. Today was her legs. A lot of the time it is her hands and most of the time she just likes the water to run.

Kylie learned that if she is asking for something and she said "pretty please with cherries on top" there was a good chance she could get what she is asking for. Finally we are starting to wise up and it doesn't work as well as it used too, but it's funny to hear her say it.

If we are in a store and we pass something she wants to stop and look at she will say " I have a question" and point to whatever she wants to look at. When we go back and look at whatever she wanted she will asks something extremely obvious like "Is that Santa?" Which of course she knows, just to buy her some time so she can look for a minute.

And last, but ceratinly not least .This is one of my most favorite picture of Kylie. Jeremy dressed her up and we told her to pose for a picture.

What would I do without my little princess? Life would not be as fun, that's for sure!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Binki Rehab

This last week Kylie has undergone a rigorous in-home binki detox. She was only a night time and nap time user, but was very addicted. She seemed to treat them (yes she had to have two-one to suck on and one to hold) as a reward for going to bed, and we probably bribed her with them way to much. I have had the goal to get rid of them before the new baby came and I was beginning to worry that they were starting to affecting her teeth. I think Jeremy and I were just as attached to them as she was. They made taking naps and going to bed so much easier.

The first night (last Monday) was really hard, it was kind of heart breaking actually. We weren't necessarily going to take them away that night, but she was having a rough night and wouldn't stay in her bed, she was crying and wanted me to rock her to sleep so after fighting with her and trying to get her to stay in her bed I finally said "If you will throw your binkis in the garbage I will rock you to sleep." She immediately walked over to the garbage and threw one of them away, but I told her she had to throw both away. She just stared at me the SADDEST face I have ever seen on her, big tears in her eyes, her bottom lip curled out as she contemplated what she wanted to do. Then after a minute of thinking about it, she threw the other one away and ran into my arms. My heart was so broken for her. That was such a hard decision for her to make, but she did it and I stayed with her until she feel asleep that night. Each night has been better, and probably since the third night she hasn't even asked about them.

Although I am relieved they are gone, I feel like that was the last little bit of "baby" she had left. She constantly reminds us that she is a big girl, it's amazing how fast she has grown up.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Babysitting, 60* Weather & Conference

We had a pretty uneventful week, but finally got a little bit of excitement (if that is what you would call it) this weekend. First Kylie had her first babysitter (besides friends and family)come over and babysit while Jeremy and I went to the temple. She thought this was the best arrangement she has ever experiences. She was so excited to have someone come just to play with her. Kylie actually thought she was doing the babysitting. She kept asking when she was going to babysit Amber. When I took Amber home she said Kylie laughs a lot. She had a good time and it was nice that Jeremy and I were able to go do something by ourselves.
We woke up on Saturday morning stepped outside and it was COLD! I couldn't believe how much the temperature had changed over night. We had some rain during the night and it continued to drizzle through out the day. It was NICE! Jeremy noticed the car said it was 60*. It was weird to come in the house and have it be WARMER then outside. I love fall!!

We also enjoyed Conference this weekend. I look forward to it every 6 months. Kylie was fairly intrigued by it. We pointed out President Monson to her and she recognized him every time he stood up. It was fun to watch her as she would recognize words they were saying such as Book of Mormon, missionary and Jesus Christ. Her very favorite part was when her "friends" sang during the afternoon session on Saturday. She loved all the Primary kids.

One time she stood up on her trike held the Children's Hymnbook in one hand and led the choir with the other.

And one last thing, we went for a walk around the temple today and as we pull up and were getting out Kylie jumps out of her seat and says, "I am so excited!" She couldn't wait to walk around the temple. I hope she's always that excited about the temple.