Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Little Blondie

Has hair that looks like this when it's on the floor.

I love LOVE love my kid's blonde hair. I think maybe because it's such a novelty to me growing up with red heads everywhere.  Jeremy was a little tow-head when he was young. I'm not sure when his hair starting going dark but I've been waiting, wondering if my kid's hair would do the same. 

I'm thinking we have a good chance of Kylie keeping her blonde locks at least for a little while longer, but I'm not too sure about Jase.

For the most part it still looks pretty blonde on his head, but it's definitely darkened up quite a bit the last little while. I guess we'll see. It also makes me curious to think about our next baby. If Kylie and Jase and their similarity are any indication, it seems like we have a mold so I'm excited to see if that continues or if we get a red headed, blue eyed, fair skinned little girl to add some variety and make me not feel so left out!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunbeam Boy

It's so hard to believe Jase is already old enough for Sunbeams! He doesn't seem near old enough to sit quietly during class  and come away from church without snack time. The first week was a tiny bit rough. We had to walk right past the nursery to get to the primary room and once he caught a glimpse of his old nursery teachers he was not about to sit quietly on a row next to a new teacher he wasn't familiar with! Jeremy had to sit with him for the first few minutes, but he soon warmed up and realized his new teachers weren't all that bad either. Every week since he has been super excited to go to Primary just like he was for nursery and he often comments on how nice his teachers are. Most weeks Kylie takes Jase by the hand and walks him to his sit and a couple times Jeremy and I have peeked in to see Kylie giving Jase a little pep talk telling him she's only a few rows away if he needs anything. 

There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your children thrive in the gospel. They are still young and of course their favorite parts are the fun entertaining parts of church, but I hope they find comfort and enjoyment from feeling the spirit as they get older and start to recognize it more in their lives. I am very grateful for their strong little spirits and the way they radiate love and innocence. They are huge examples to me and I just hope I can adequately teach them so they continue to have this enthusiasm for the gospel.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pass the Peas, Please

My kids have always been pretty good eaters. I mean, lets be honest we don't necessarily eat a wide variety of foods around here, mostly because of my inability to make them, but of the things I do make my kids seems pretty satisfied with what I put of their plates. The funny thing is, the thing they always eat first and the most of is either the fruit or vegetable on the side. 

On Saturday night we had an extremely nutritious meal of chicken strips and tater tots with peas on the side. As Jeremy and I were dishing up Kylie and Jase's plates Jeremy says, "I bet Jase eats all his peas before he ever touches anything else" and he was right. We probably gave both him and Kylie at least two or three helpings of peas before we told them they had to eat some of their chicken and tater tots before we would give them more. Then we laughed. Who tells their kids they can't have anymore vegetables until they eat the other things on their plates?

We finally just gave him the whole bowl and let him go to town. 

I'm certainly not here to brag about my kid's amazingly healthy eating habits. These kids eat fruit snacks and sugared cereals like they're going out of style, but every time I'm begging my kids to eat their tacos or spaghetti or chicken or whatever else it is I can't help but think about that little red headed girl on America's Funniest Home Videos that gets caught sneaking her carrots in her napkin and throwing them away so she doesn't have to eat them, and it makes me laugh.

Of course the case could very well be that maybe fruits and vegetable really just do taste WAY better than my cooking to them, it which case maybe it's not so bad I'm not a great cook. At least they are getting what their bodies really need. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Half Way

If the second half goes just as fast at the first this baby is going to be here in no time!! I have a feeling it wont with the most uncomfortable parts yet to come, but it's crazy to think I'm over the hump and on my way down.

I don't have too much to complain about at this point. I'm starting to get my energy back and actually took the kids to the park the other day for a picnic with some friends. I feel her move quite a bit and I love that reassuring feeling knowing she is moving and doing well. I don't have any weird craving, but oranges are always what I'm in the mood for. We haven't come up with a name yet, but have a few top contenders. We're not totally set on any of them though and it's a good chance they will change in the next few months. 

I went to the doctor today and had the big ultrasound. Everything looks great. She measuring about a week smaller than we thought, but without a definitely due date anyway that doesn't seem to be too much of a concern. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me and so far I'm not showing any signs that I'll have any of the same problems I had with Jase. In fact I am actually more worried this pregnancy will be more like Kylie's and I may go a week or so over and since I am really wanting a VBAC this time he wont be able to induce me. I'm going to have to do it all on my own if I'm going to avoid another c-section.

We got a few pictures today, but She a modest little girl, and didn't give us too many great shots especially of her face. It was smashed up against the placenta and she seems to only occupy the top half of my uterus. 

This is her leg, which looks extremely long and very lean! 

 Her feet seem to have been very prominent throughout the whole ultrasound. The Felix gene's have proven to be the more dominate gene in our kids, but the one thing they did inherit from the Hansens were their feet size. Poor things!!
 The heart beat which is always the very first things I look for!
There is her profile and as you can see she's making out with the placenta. We couldn't get her to move no matter what we did so that's the best we got.  We didn't get as many pictures as I thought we would and it didn't seem like it took the tech very long to get the  pictures she needed, but maybe that's because I have had ultrasounds all along the way and I'll continue to have them most every time I go in.

I couldn't be more grateful to finally have this baby girl on her way and it's even funner having older kids that are just as excited as you are. Kylie is so cute about it and I can't until she gets to see her (for real) for the first time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve 2011

My mom organized and hosted a Murder Mystery night for us on New Year's that was so much fun!!! She handed out each of our parts the night before and told us to come dressed in costume ready for dinner. Everyone took it really serious which made it so fun! We spent the night trying to figure out who motive enough to murder the victim. 

I was a socially awkward florist who was shy and spent more time talking to plants than people. Does it get any more awkward than my hair, make-up and outfit? I don't think so!!!

After our party everyone took off to various activities with their friends. After Jeremy and I put the kids to bed, my dad tried to entertain us by renting a movie, but we couldn't find one that sounded too promising not to mention my parent's are too old to stay up that late. So they went to bed and lucky for us Ashley and David took pity on us and came back over to watch the ball drop. 

It was a great night. My mom worked really hard to make fun for all of us with a great meal, perfect decorations and very entertaining activities throughout the night, and I loved spending a night with my whole family there.