Monday, January 23, 2012

Pass the Peas, Please

My kids have always been pretty good eaters. I mean, lets be honest we don't necessarily eat a wide variety of foods around here, mostly because of my inability to make them, but of the things I do make my kids seems pretty satisfied with what I put of their plates. The funny thing is, the thing they always eat first and the most of is either the fruit or vegetable on the side. 

On Saturday night we had an extremely nutritious meal of chicken strips and tater tots with peas on the side. As Jeremy and I were dishing up Kylie and Jase's plates Jeremy says, "I bet Jase eats all his peas before he ever touches anything else" and he was right. We probably gave both him and Kylie at least two or three helpings of peas before we told them they had to eat some of their chicken and tater tots before we would give them more. Then we laughed. Who tells their kids they can't have anymore vegetables until they eat the other things on their plates?

We finally just gave him the whole bowl and let him go to town. 

I'm certainly not here to brag about my kid's amazingly healthy eating habits. These kids eat fruit snacks and sugared cereals like they're going out of style, but every time I'm begging my kids to eat their tacos or spaghetti or chicken or whatever else it is I can't help but think about that little red headed girl on America's Funniest Home Videos that gets caught sneaking her carrots in her napkin and throwing them away so she doesn't have to eat them, and it makes me laugh.

Of course the case could very well be that maybe fruits and vegetable really just do taste WAY better than my cooking to them, it which case maybe it's not so bad I'm not a great cook. At least they are getting what their bodies really need. 


Alexis said...

haha! that so cute! if only they could help me learn to like my veggies :)

Mills Family said...

Thats awesome that they love their veggies and fruit and will eat that before the other stuff. My boys wont eat normal vegetables but they will still eat the baby food veggies..I know gross but its better then nothing so I still give those to them at least 4 days aweek so they are at least getting some kind of vegetable. I wish they liked normal peas like your kids do! One day hopefully or they will just be 12 and still eating baby food what will their friends say LOL!

luke and kourt said...

Oh, I love peas! They are the best, I can open a can and eat just them for lunch :) Ya! for veggis!

Michael and Bonnie said...

Oh so jealous! My kids are the worst. Count your blessings when it comes to this :)