Monday, November 24, 2008

On The Road Again

We have ventured back down to Arizona to visit my family for Thanksgiving. Jeremy was able to take a much deserved few extra days off from work so we can be here all week. We have been here since Friday and so far we have a good time hanging out with family.

Kylie has been her usual charming, funny, cute self as she has entertained everyone with the crazy things that come out of her mouth. She has turned into quite the jokester lately. Her new favorite phrase is "I'm just kidding" I can't decide if she really knows what it means. Most of the time she says it after she has done something she knows she shouldn't, but sometimes she says it really randomly when it doesn't make any sense at all.

Lately, every once in a while Kylie will wake up in the night crying a little bit and usually we can go in her room and get her calmed down. We just figured that probably she was having a nightmare or something, but the last two night we have been here she has woken up and just cried and cried and cried. I am not sure if it is the night terrors or she is waking up in a strange place, but there is nothing Jeremy or I can do to calm her down. I try waking her up and reasoning with her, but that doesn't help. It's been so weird, and of course it's always a little bit more nerve racking when you are sleeping somewhere else and you worry about waking up the whole house. It's been a strange thing. Hopefully we don't have too many more nights like that. I feel really bad for her because she acts like something absolutely horrible is happening to her and I can't seem to fix it.

Thank goodness for day time because we have a good time then. Kylie spent some of Saturday doing her favorite thing; playing in grandpa's pool. He was even nice enough to heat the hot tub a little bit so it wasn't too cold to swim in.
My sister had suggested we take Kylie to the Rainforest Cafe in the mall. So today Jeremy and I took her out there and she was so funny. She loved the animals and thought they were pretty cool, but it would make her really nervous when the restaurant would thunder and lightening and sound like it was going to rain.
We are excited for the rest of the week and we are glad we can here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catchin' Up

We haven't been too exciting this week. Not much has gone on. On Tuesday though Kylie and I went up to Cedar and hung out with my sister-in-law Amy and her sister Apryl. We worked on little projects for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I love this time of year and getting ready for Christmas and working on a bunch of projects.

Kylie has become obsessed with Tinkerbell. Grandpa and Grandma Hansen gave her the movie in Arizona and she loves it! We even had a picnic one day with Tinkerbell. It's actually a pretty cute movie. I don't mind sitting down and watching it with her.

Kylie is really funny when she watches cartoons. She is starting to really understand what is going on with the characters and the dilemmas they go through. I love to come in the room while she is watching a show and ask her what is going on. Usually in a very serious concerned voice she will tell me about a monkey that is stuck in the tree and someone has to through the forest and over the hill and around the pond to save it. Or whatever the situation may be. She is always so relieved at the end to see that everything worked out just as planned. She is also very good to participate with the characters and yell out the things they need her to.

Her little memory is getting pretty sharp too. Which is something that we have to get used to and could be kind of scary. Last night we told her we would watch Kung Fu Panda before going to bed, but we were too tired and decided to watch it today. She wasn't to happy about it, but still went to bed ok. This morning when Jeremy went into her room to get her for church the first thing she said was "I want to watch Panda." She remembered all night long. Funny thing is she forgot that we told her we would have to go to church first and then come home to watch the movie. Apparently at this point it's just selected memory.

Just a random picture after a long hard day of playing.

My sister Ashley called on Friday night to tell me she got engaged!! I am so excited! I am not quite sure of all the details yet, but all I know is my cousin Millie had called Ashley earlier in the week and asked if she would come babysit for her on Friday. Well, when Ashley arrived she found that David had flown in from AZ and was waiting there along with a whole bunch of candles and roses. I think she was definitely surprised. My family has actually known David and his family ever since we moved to Arizona. They were in our ward. His older sister Brittney is a really good friend of mine. I love the Bean family. I never would have guessed back then that Ashley and David would get married someday!

Hopefully we have had somewhat of a relaxing week. Next week will be pretty busy while we get ready to go to Arizona for Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Playing At The Park

Today was such a nice day. The weather was perfect and we have a really fun park near by so we took advantage and had a picnic and played at the park. As Kylie would play on the playground she would point out which things were for boys and which things were for girls. All the big things that she couldn't do by herself must be for boys and all the other things she could climb or on swing on or slide on where for girls. And of course I took a picture of her doing it all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I will be the first to admit that I am not quite sure what "change" means at this point. I went to bed last night and woke up today wondering how I should feel about our country changing and what that actually means for me and my family personally. The one thing that keeps running through my head is how grateful I am to be a member of the church. It gives me an added sense of security knowing the eternal perceptive of things. I couldn't imagine being out in the world, lost not knowing that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and my family and is watching out for us. We should not fear, but have faith and trust in who is REALLY in charge!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Finishing Up The Weekend

Jeremy's dad's birthday was on Sunday and his mom had planned a birthday dinner for him so we left Arizona in time (well sort of, we were a little late) to make it back in time to be with Jeremy's family and to see all of Kylie's cousins on the Felix side. It's not very often Kylie sees both grandparents in the same day and it's not very often we go from 90* weather to 56*. It was really fun to get together with all of them. I love all my in-laws. I wish I would have taken a picture of everyone around the table when Brent was opening his gifts.

This was the only picture I got. Grandpa stuck a basket on Kylie's head and she thought it was the coolest hat she had ever worn.

Happy Birthday Grandpa! (On the way up to Cedar we practiced with Kylie to say "Happy Birthday Grandpa," but she just thought grandpa should be saying happy birthday to her.)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Princess For The Day

Actually, it's probably Princess For A Lifetime! A couple weeks ago my parents asked if they could take Kylie on a date with just the two of them to see the play Cinderella. Kylie has been so excited to go. She couldn't wait to see Cinderella.

She started the day off as any princess would with a bubble bath. She loves the big pink tub.

My mom and dad and Kylie waiting for the play to start.

Afterwards she had the chance to meet Cinderella and the Prince.

Then she came home wearing a Cinderella dress and crown and carrying a magic wand and told us all that she was a princess! Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun day. Kylie loved every second of it!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had such a fun Halloween! My parents and sisters invited us down to Arizona for the weekend. Their neighborhood down there is so much fun. Kylie has been looking forward to Halloween for a long time. For awhile she thought it was a place and always asked if we could go to Halloween and I would have to explain to her that Halloween is a day not a place.

The funnest part about being in Arizona is that it's warm outside so everyone just sits in their driveway and waits for kids to come. We had a projector with Michael Jackson's Thriller playing. It was funny when people thought they could do the dance.

This is Kylie in her"tu-tut." She loved dressing up in her costume and she looked so cute!

When we first took her outside she didn't like all the other kids in costume. She was really scared of them. Jeremy and I took her up and down my parent's street and in between houses she would say "I want to go home, I want to go home." A little while later my dad and Jeremy took her to a couple other streets and all the sudden this whole trick-or-treat thing kicked in and she was on a mission. Nothing was going to get in her way as she header from one house to the next.

For our entertainment Kylie took it upon herself to dance for us every time the music came back on. She's pretty dang good and did it for a long time.

She also thought it would be fun to get my mom's little ghost out and dance around with her. Kylie and the ghost became great friends. Kylie was nice enough to give the ghost candy in her little pumpkin.

Kylie went crazy with the candy. She loved every second of eating that stuff. I figured one night wouldn't hurt...

...but it continued to the next day!

My brother Austin dressed up for work. Kylie was totally freaked out by him. It took quite a bit of convincing that it was really Austin.

My sister Amanda dressed up like Lucille Ball for a party with her friends.

My sister Alexis and her friends as mimes.
We had such a fun Halloween and I think Kylie loved every minute of it.