Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I will be the first to admit that I am not quite sure what "change" means at this point. I went to bed last night and woke up today wondering how I should feel about our country changing and what that actually means for me and my family personally. The one thing that keeps running through my head is how grateful I am to be a member of the church. It gives me an added sense of security knowing the eternal perceptive of things. I couldn't imagine being out in the world, lost not knowing that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and my family and is watching out for us. We should not fear, but have faith and trust in who is REALLY in charge!


sagewillow said...

Thanks for your post I needed to hear this, it puts things in perspective when you look at it with an eternal vision.

Kristi said...


Unknown said...

If my name is on your blog buddies list then I'm sure you won't mind the comment,lol! Your little girl is so darling! It looks like everything is going well for you. I agree with your post completely. It is comforting to be apart of an organization/church that doesn't change and stays true and won't fall apart.