Monday, November 3, 2008

Finishing Up The Weekend

Jeremy's dad's birthday was on Sunday and his mom had planned a birthday dinner for him so we left Arizona in time (well sort of, we were a little late) to make it back in time to be with Jeremy's family and to see all of Kylie's cousins on the Felix side. It's not very often Kylie sees both grandparents in the same day and it's not very often we go from 90* weather to 56*. It was really fun to get together with all of them. I love all my in-laws. I wish I would have taken a picture of everyone around the table when Brent was opening his gifts.

This was the only picture I got. Grandpa stuck a basket on Kylie's head and she thought it was the coolest hat she had ever worn.

Happy Birthday Grandpa! (On the way up to Cedar we practiced with Kylie to say "Happy Birthday Grandpa," but she just thought grandpa should be saying happy birthday to her.)


Kristi said...

Oh how cute! What a fun Halloween! And going out with Grandma and grandpa! How much fun! Her Little costume is to die for Cute!

Debbie 'n Gary Talbot said...

Andrea! i know we're in the same ward but i never see you but your blog is cute. congrats on the pregnancy i had no idea! you are the cutest pregnant women i think.
maybe i'll see you at church eventually.