Monday, March 22, 2010

It's Hard to Believe

7 short years ago today, Jeremy and I looked like this!

Boy, how things have changed! But only for the better of course! I know it's so cliche, but really I can't believe it's been 7 years. Jeremy and I were talking today and we are so grateful to be where we are at. We have built an amazing life together, with wonderful kids, a good job, a beautiful home and so much more. We are truly blessed, and I couldn't be more grateful for the covenants and promises we made to each other that day. I am one lucky girl to have such a patient, easy going, loving, caring man to take care of me through many, many more anniversaries!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old School Style

The old school Nintendo was discovered a few weeks ago and it's been none-stop Duck Hunt ever since.
Jeremy first had to teach Kylie how it was done

Now she does it on her own sitting 6 inches from the screen, but still manages to get that dumb dog to laugh at her because she misses most of the ducks. And apparently having the end of the gun in her mouth helps!

Jase loves it. Actually he mostly just loves the cords which makes Kylie mad because he pulls the machine down.  It's a good time around here!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jase was a Little Too Quiet for a Little Too Long

So I went in search of him and this is what I found...

He was sitting perfectly happy in the middle of a pile of princess dress-up dresses just as content as could be. He doesn't mind the sparkles and lace. We'll just hope these don't become his new favorite thing!

We've also become drool central around here. This boy has a steady stream running down his chin at all times and he can soak a shirt with the best of them.  I would much rather deal with drool then spit-up anyway, so we're happy!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Short & Sweet

We made an extremely quick trip to AZ this weekend for the blessing of my new little nephew Alex. I had been asked  months ago to work at the hair school in Cedar on Friday which meant by the time I got done there, grabbed my sister Amanda, got home, got on the road and drove 7 hours we finally arrived at 1 am on Saturday. (Only to turn around Sunday afternoon and come home) We got a few hours sleep, but didn't want to waist too much of our precious time.
One of Kylie's favorite things to do with Grandma and Grandpa H is go to princess plays at the Hale Family Theater. She was in luck because this weekend they were preforming Princess and the Pea. She was so excited!!  It was all she talked about last week. And of course she wasn't disappointed. She loved it!

The weather was BEAUTIFUL that day so we whipped out the shorts and headed to the San Tan Mall for a little shopping.

The mall has a big play area that Kylie loves to play on which is also strategically placed in front of the Build-A-Bear shop, (aren't they smart?!) but it wasn't Kylie's idea it was Grandma and Grandpa's. They were so nice and let Kylie build her very own bear and as you can imagine she ate that right up.

She picked out a really cute pink and yellow bear

and took putting the heart in her bear very seriously. They told her to do several things with the heart before putting it in there and she made sure she did them all!

Next came the washing, picking out clothes and making the birth certificate. She named her bear Olivia after the princess in the play that morning.

She wanted to carry her bear all by herself, but it got heavy

good thing Grandpa was there to help out!

Jase certainly didn't walk away empty-handed. He scored himself a Zuh-Zuh pet. It's so funny to watch him play with it. He laughs as it zips around the floor, but if it gets anywhere near him he hits it away as fast as he can.

Umm, did I mention the weather was amazing? Well, it was. So we spent the afternoon barbecuing and hanging out in the backyard. I haven't had so much fun with my siblings in a long time! We played the funniest games and got laughing so hard we were crying. Jeremy had tears streaming down his face. That was the best part. That made the whole trip worth it!

It was though, all fun in games until people started getting thrown in the pool

And by the hideous look on my brother's face the water was freezing!! I'm certainly glad I never ended up in there.
Grandma was hoping Jase would take his first steps at her house, but it just wasn't going to happen. We did get him stand for a few seconds a couple of times though.

Sunday was the whole reason we came. Alex was blessed and my brother did an amazing job! We stayed for a lunch and then it was back on the road.
The trip was short, but I am so glad we came. Memories were made and we are truly blessed as a family!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Here's To You, Dr. Seuss

Apparently this week, or maybe sometime soon, it's Dr. Seuss' birthday and Kylie's pre-school celebrated. Tuesday was crazy clothes day. Kylie wore everything backwards and two different colored shoes. She loved that and thought that was so fun, but today was even better. It was crazy hair day. She had her idea of crazy hair all thought up in her head. She explained that she wanted braids and she wanted it to stick up. Well, this was the best we could come up and she was quite pleased. She couldn't wait to go to school and show everyone. What can I say, the girl LOVES birthdays and she'll do just about anything to celebrate!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Left Side-Bar Round 2

My left side bar went crazy on me and every time I would add something new to it, it would create huge spaces between the dates and posts so I am just going to wipe it clean and start over fresh.

I need to add one though that I have to explain a little. This happened a week or so ago. I am hoping that some day I will laugh at this, but right now I am still slightly modified.   All of us were all Walmart. We had just walked in and we were grabbing a cart. Jeremy put Jase in the front and Kylie was hoping on front. Just then Kylie notices a man getting his cart and she says in a fairly loud voice giggling, "Look that  man has big tummy." Neither of us respond to her. We don't know what to say. So I just look at with really big eyes hoping she doesn't say anything more. Well, apparently since we don't respond to her she thinks we didn't hear her, so of course she says the same things even louder this time. I thought I was going to die. We walk off as fast as we can, but I feel terrible!! The whole rest of the time we are there I am paranoid we will run into him again. I was constantly watching over my shoulder, but at the same time I wanted Kylie to apologize to him. We had a good long chat about it later. She, of course didn't understand that she was saying anything rude, she was just simply making an observation. It's time like these though when I wonder if I can really handle being a mother!!

2/20/2010  Tonight Kylie says to me, "Look Mom, when I breath my stomach moves out and then it moves back in when I unbreath."

2/10/2010 Out of the blue Kylie said to me, "Mom, if Jase is choking I will yell, Mom, Jase is choking! Jase is choking!" I said to her, "OK that is a good plan because then I can come save him." She looks at me says, "Mom, you're not a superhero!"

2/6/2010 Kylie said to me today, "Mom, I want my hair to grow really long so I can jump and it will fly up and hit the fan."

2/2/2010 Tonight I told Kylie she needed to eat her squash and zucchini because they are really good for you. And she tells me, "No they aren't, they are really yucky for me!"

1/25/2010 I told Kylie she could go out and play, but she couldn't play in mud. She says to me, "I won't play in the mud Mom, I SWEAR I won't!"

1/15/2010 Jeremy put a fried egg down on Kylie's plate. She took one look at it and said, "This is NOT what I ordered!!"

1/13/2010 We were at Walmart waiting for our turn to get milk when Kylie yells (what seems like at the top of lungs, but probably really not) "Mom, that lady is bigger then you!!!" The lady looks up and kind of smiles and walks away really fast. I try and save ourselves by says, "Ya she is tall, huh?" But we are left in the dust feeling extremely awkward!

1/10/2010 When Kylie saw that I had put black Nylons on she says to me, "Oh, Mom I want to wear legos too!"

1/12/2010 Kylie asked, "I know it was lunch time, but can we just say that it was nap time and now I can go play?"

1/10/2010 I told Kylie it was going to be her aunt Amanda and her grandpa Hansen's birthday tomorrow and she says, "NO, I don't want them to get old...Will you tell them not to get old?"

1/9/2010 I was eating Jerky and offered Kylie some. She looked at it pulled a face and very matter of factly stated, "Jerky is disgusting!"

1/5/2010 I was upstairs folding the kid's clothes while they were playing and watching a show downstairs. Jase started to fuss a little bit and Kylie yells up to me, "Mom, come down here and take care of your children!"

12/23/2009 Kylie was just talking to herself in the backseat while my mind was wondering thinking about different things. She gets my attention, laughs and says, "Mom, I just said baby-mama!"

12/22/2009 Kylie informed me today that Jase belongs on the naughty list and needs to learn what the true spirit of Christmas is!

12/18/2009 While we were at the outlet mall getting in the car there was another car that kept honking it's horn. Kylie was saying, "Those guys are being pie heads." Jeremy asked her what a pie head was and she says, "Pie heads keep beeping their horns and it is making me 'fuss-erated!"

12/15/2009 I told Kylie she had about 10 more minutes to play and then it was time for a nap. She turns to me and says(with an attitude) "Good luck with that!"

12/10/2009 I asked Kylie is she could remember who baby Jesus' mom was. She said she couldn't. So I told her it was Mary and she says, "Oh ya, she had a little lamb."

12/9/2009 Kylie said, "Mom, see that puddle outside? It looks slickery, and I don't have skaters to play on it."

12/8/2009 Kylie looked out our back door and says, "Whoa, look at that mud puddle. It's GINORMOUS!"

11/28/2009 On the way home from shopping Kylie said, "Santa is taking way longer then I thought to come to our house!"

11/28/2009 On the way shopping Kylie asked me, "Do I sound like I have tomato breath?"

11/27/2009 I told Kylie she could sleep with the Christmas tree lights on in her room. She said to me, "No Mom, we don't sleep with decorations, we sleep with lamps."

11/27/2009 Kylie was looking for a jacket to wear out to play in. She put one on and I told her I didn't want her to wear that one because it was one of her NICE ones. She took it off and said, "OK, I will go find one of my NAUGHTY one."

11/26/2009 We were watching the movie "Cars" and at the end Mater gets to ride on an helicopter. Kylie got really concerned and asked, "Mom, when we die we fly in an airplane to heaven, is that were Mater is going?"

11/23/2009 Kylie was laying in her bed after we had brushed her teeth and she asked me is her teeth had a star in them. I asked her what she meant and she said, "Do my teeth have a star on them because they shine?"

11/23/2009 Kylie has a sticker book full of dolls you can dress up with stickers clothes and accessories. She was working on one and says, "Dress...check, boots...check, hat...check, purse...check. I think she's done!"

11/21/2009 Kylie informed me today that she wanted "a purse with a lot and a lot of money in it" for Christmas.

11/21/2009 Kylie and I were in the car going shopping and she says to me, "Mom, you were suppose to do your hair before we left."...I was offended.

11/20/2009 We get to the store today and Kylie announces, "Oh yeah, today is my nother (other) birthday Mom, remember? Then she proceeded to tell me every time we pass something she wants for her "birthday".

11/13/2009 Kylie will sometimes help me and hold Jase's hands while I am changing a messy diaper. Today she keep repeating, "Dude, this is not funny. Do you understand? This is not funny!"

11/8/2009 Kylie asked me, "I am going to play with my dishes Mom, is that cool?" As in, "Is that OK?"

11/5/2009 I asked Kylie to help me pick up some of her toys. She says to me, "Mom, I can't! Right now I am rockin' and rollin'."

11/4/2009 Kylie has learned how to rhyme at school and now she hymns everything she says. Most of the time she comes up with words that aren't even words, but they rhyme with whatever she has said. She has actually come up with some pretty funny words. Her new nickname for Jase is "Jase-lase" ... Real manly!!!

11/1/2009 I called Jase "sweetheart" and Kylie said, "He's not sweetheart. I am sweetheart." I asked her what he was and she said, "He is DUDE."

10/31/2009 We went to Walmart for a few things and Kylie was mesmerized by all the people in costumes. There was one guy that was dressed like a fairy with wings and Kylie says, " I think that is YUCK!"

10/19/2009 Kylie got her flu shot today through her nose with the mist. The nurse instructed her to snort after she sprays the mist. Kylie was telling Jeremy about it tonight and she told him that the nurse told her "SNUFF" after she sprayed it.

10/16/2009 Kylie was playing "cookening" with my sister and sister told Kylie she needed to put the chef's hat on. Kylie says, "No, I don't. I am not going to spill on my head!"

10/12/2009 Kylie observed today that "when we get old our tummies get big and big."

10/6/2009 This was Kylie and Taylor's conversation this morning in the car.
Kylie: "It's a little chili outside"
Taylor:"Ya, it is chili outside, but it's warm in here."
Kylie: "Our moms should totally put jackets on us before we leave and go outside."
Taylor: "We will have to run into school."
Kylie:"I hope our school isn't chili, so it won't be cold and cold!"

10/4/2009 Kylie asked if she could play with her toys. I told her she could, then she said, "Well, I better not, it will make a big mess and I don't want to clean it. I will just lay by you."

10/4/2009 Kylie was so excited to see President Monson on T.V. While he was speaking Kylie asked, "When is he coming out of the TV to say hi to me?"

9/30/2009 Kylie came up to me and randomly said, "Mom, we don't hit people and we don't cut their hair!"

9/29/2009 I was taking Kylie's pajama shirt off her this morning and it was staticy. As I lifted the shirt past her hair Kylie says, "Oh, I have sparks!"

9/28/2009 Kylie just said, "Oh my gosh, I just TOTALLY found my phone!" ~Are you kidding me? How old is she??

9/27/2009 Kylie told me, "Baby Jase isn't feeling very well, he is being very FUZZY." (she meant fussy)