Monday, January 28, 2008

We will Stand a Little Taller

I just wanted to share the link to a really cool tribute for President Hinckley that my mom sent me. President Hinckley has had a profound impact on my life and I am sure I will always regard him as "my prophet." I had the chance to meet him when I was a little girl and he is exactly how everyone says he is, very warm and inviting. I remember he joked around with my dad and it gave me the impression that he and my dad were really good friends. I asked my dad later if they were and my dad said that he had never met him before. That impression has always stayed with me. He will be greatly missed but I am sure he is so happy to be reunited with his wife and Savior in heaven.

Thank you President Hinckley for your love, your example, your steadfastness, your strength, your willingness, your humor, your understanding, your inspiration, your positive attitude, your time, your talents, your smile, your counsel, your hard work, your dedication and especially your life.

YouTube - Gordon B. Hinckley Tribute
Here is the link to His tribute.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Doughnuts, anyone??

My sister Ashley, who came to stay with us for the weekend, and I decided to venture into the unknown world of cooking and make doughnuts…something that has never been attempted by a Hansen girl in all of history(well actually just me and my sisters and probably our mom). We found what looked like to be a very easy and reliable recipe on the internet and went to town. Lucky enough I even had all the ingredients. The recipe suggested we sift the flour and then alternate the vinegar and milk mixture with the egg and sugar mixture…neither of which we understood, but we did it anyway.

So far so good

We didn't have a doughnut cutter so we had to use a Tupperware container and a cap from the oil bottle to cut the shape.

To be honest I really haven't fried much, but we got the hang of it real quick.

Our masterpiece! As you can see we got brave and attempted a few doughnut holes and a big long log at the end when we just got plain exhausted.

We plan on submitting this picture to a cooking magazine as soon as we figure out the name of one. We hope it makes the front cover.

Calories: 148, grams of fat: 6.8, cholesterol: 12 mgs, carbs: 19.9 grams, fiber: .4 grams…well worth every bit of it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A truly Inspired program

Well, it's finally here, the day we've all been waiting for... today was the first day of nursery!! YAHOO! The blessed age of 18 months is finally upon us. I know I shouldn't have the attitude of "I can't wait until she can do this" or "I can't wait for that to happen," but these last few months of church have been painful. And I truly could not wait until she was old enough for nursery! I've been told that of course when kids turn 18 months they gain separation anxiety and nursery can be a nightmare for all, but nope, not our child. She walked in, saw the Fisher Price Kitchen and she was off. I don't think she looked back. I think Jeremy and I expected her to hold on to our leg and kind of hang back a bit, but it didn't take her two seconds to get across that gym to the huge closet of goods. We both just stood there and watched for a second and then looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and said "Well, let's go." After all is said and done I'm not quite sure how I feel about all this. I can't believe I have a child, I HAVE A CHILD going to Nursery. I have a child almost entering Primary. I have always known other people who must have been WAY older than me have a child old enough for such things, but for me?!?!?

The first day of Nursery
Just as important as the first day of school, right?? We had to take a picture.

Monday, January 7, 2008

It’s a SNOW DAY!

It hasn't snowed a ton in Cedar this year and so Kylie really hasn't been exposed to it too much. I bought her a really cute marshmallow coat, just sure we would have major blizzards and she would be stuck out in it, (you can never be too prepared, right??) and then for Christmas Grandma and Grandpa Hansen gave her a hat, a scarf and little mittens that went perfect with it. We had a nice little snow storm last night so we decided to try them out.

In her full attire

She thought it was pretty fun when I would stick her in the deep snow. I think I had to do it about 5 times. I don't know if you can tell, but it goes up to her knees.

I thought her shadow was so cute!

I sat her on top of a hill and she slid down which was not something she enjoyed. She also hated it when her mittens touched the snow.

About 20 minutes after coming back in the house I had to finally pry it off of her so she could take a nap.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Year in Review

Since this blog is new, I didn't get a chance to post when cool things happened last year so I thought I would give you a glimpse of what when on in our lives.

Jeremy graduated in May from Southern Utah University with a dregree in Construction Managament!

Since Jeremy (some would say "finally"...mostly him and kind of me) graduated from school he decided to make this "The summer of Jeremy." And so we played, not having too many worries or responsibilites. We started by attending my brother Adam's wedding on July 6th in the Snowflake, Arizona Temple. We now have a cool sister-in-law named Erin, and spent some time down there with family.

Kylie celebrated her first Birthday on July 14th. We had a little family party with some of her aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.

She loves to open gifts!

The cake is real impressive, I know!!

But it tastes good!

These are all her cousins who came to help celebrate except we are missing Kurt in the picture.

We spent a relaxing week in Cancun with my family. I say relaxing because we actually left Kylie home at the last minute. We were prepared to take her with a passport and everything, but in the end we decided all would be better if she spent the week with some of her cousins. We are very grateful to Doug and Ang for taking such good care of her while we were gone. It was definately a much needed break not neccessarily from her, but from everything else.

The sunsets were beautiful there.

Me and my sisters Amanda, Ashley, Lexie and my new sister-in-law Erin.

These are way cool Mayan ruins in a place called Chichen Itza. We had a great tour guide that was a memeber of the church and he tied a lot of what we saw back in to the Book of Mormon. It was really intresting.

Snorkeling with the beautiful fish.

We spent a week in Park City as part of a Family reunion with Jeremy's family. We had a great time swimming and playing by the pool and enjoying each others company. We all live close, but its nice to get away from everyday life and be together.

Kylie loves the water, and I think her swimming suit was pretty dang cute.

We spent part of a day at Hogel Zoo seeing all the animals. Kylie wasn't as excited about seeing them as we were hoping she would be. Maybe she needs to be a little bit older. Jeremy loved it though!

This is the famous Ghost of the Bayou commonly known as a white alligator.

All of Kylie's Felix cousins. I think they enjoyed their time at the zoo.

Kylie and her cousin Kurt all tuckered out after a long day.

Kylie as a ladybug for Halloween. She understood the concept of eating the massive amounts of candy in our trick-or-treat bowl, but still too young to go trick-or-treating, next year we'll hit the whole neighborhood.

Kylie saw Santa 3 times this year and hated him everytime. I am pretty sure that getting pictures of her on his lap was WAY more for our enjoyment then it was for hers.

But in the end I am pretty sure she is grateful for that jolly old guy and his willingess to forgiv her and bring her gifts on Chirstmas day.

After a hugh hassle of airplane pilots not showing up for our very conventient direct flight from Cedar City to Pheonix having be to driven to St. George by Jeremy's sister Ang. Flying from there to SaltLake and then back down to Phoenix we were able to enjoy a really nice Christmas with my family down where it's warm.

Jeremy made her a rocking chair that she absolutely loves.

Our little family this year.

Kylie has found a new passion at her young age. She loves to Bowl!! And she's pretty good at it too. We had a great time on New Years hanging out with my family and continuing on with our traditions.

WOW, I must say putting this blog together was WAY harder then I thought, but hopefully it was worth it and I think I learned some things along the way. As you can see it took me about 5 days to do it, but thanks to my brother Austin I may just have things figured out. All in all I think we will look back on this year with great memories and we are very excited to see what adventures come next year.