Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wicked Weekend

We made a special trip to Arizona over the 24th of July to see the Broadway Musical WICKED. I
have to agree with everybody I have ever talked to about it and say that is was AMAZING!!! I
wasn't real familiar with the story. I knew it had something to do with the Wizard of OZ and the Wizard of OZ isn't really my favorite story so I wasn't sure what to expect, but really it totally surpassed my expectations. The singing was great and something I never expected was that it was really funny!! I absolutely loved it and would love to see again!

I don't have pictures of everybody, but my whole family was there and I love spending time with all of them!

The rest of the weekend was spent just hanging out. My parent had a few projects for Jeremy and we went school shopping for my little sister. Kylie enjoyed doing tricks with grandpa and grandma's new tub that has cool color changing lights. Jase officially become the newest BYU fan now that he can fit into the shirt and bib grandpa gave him.
Saturday morning my brother-in-law David took us all out on his family's boat and we had a blast!! I think Jeremy and I are still recovering from how sore we got.I'm not much for participating in water sports its so fun to watch. David has been doing this isn't he was a kid and he can do some amazing things our there. It was also fun to watch my siblings and Jeremy try their hand at it.

I can't remember what you call this thing, but its some kind of sky chair that you sit on and ride above the water. David has it mastered and showed us some pretty sweet flips.

Call me lame, but the tubes are what I am talkin' about! I haven't been on any for years and it was just as crazy as I remember!

Thanks flag lady for keeping us safe while we were out there!

Kylie tried them for a few minutes, but she absolutely hated them. She still talks about how much she hates them. She didn't mind the boat, but she hated riding on the tube!!

This video is so funny!! It's of my dad trying to get back up on the tube feet first! I laugh every time I watch it!

Congratulations if you made it through my picture overload. As always we had a great time and look forward to the next time we go.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Out of Commission

Hello to the World!! Its amazing the things I have accomplished without the distraction of the internet! Hopefully it will only be a few more days and we will be up and running again. I don't think I would care so much, but I feel bad my blog is slacking. I have a few good posts in mind so stay tuned and hopefully our lame internet company will get with it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Girl is 3

Its hard to believe that Kylie is actually three. That seems so grown up to me. This makes her old enough for preschool, sunbeams and being independent (so she thinks). I think back on the day she was born and I was so anxious. I didn't have a clue what to expect and she kept me guessing for 6 extra days. She finally came and changed our lives forever. I love to watch her. I often wonder what goes on in that little mind of hers. I think she is so smart. She has always talked very clearly and seems to understand what goes on around her. She remembers things and will talk about them days, sometimes weeks later. She reminds us often not to say "naughty words" and gets really upset when she knows someone is sad. Some days I don't know if I can handle her, but in the same instant I know I couldn't live without her. She absolutely adores her brother and most days can't get enough of him. I love the funny little things she says and her innocent view on life. She is absolutely amazing and beautiful and we love her very much!!

Today was a fun day. I wanted to make it a big deal for her because she has been so excited for this day for a long time. She loves birthdays and to have it be HER birthday so exciting for her. WE started out by making her cake. This is probably the biggest reason why she loves birthday because she loves to help make the cake. Well with my amazing cake decorating abilities, or lack there of, I decided I would let Kylie take a stab at it and she was more than thrilled to try her hand at it. Of course the cake was pink with pink frosting. I thought I would get fancy and make a round cake that I actually took out of the pan. I didn't have a nice plate to put it on so it got stuck on a dinner plate. Kylie sprinkled it and applied the flowers and stars. As far as I am concerned she did a fantastic job!

Jeremy got off of work a little bit early and thank goodness he did because was anxious to open her presents. She walked away with quite the loot including a blow-up swimming pool, that "Can not get grass in it!"

Later in the afternoon we invited her best little friend Taylor and her family to join us at the Rec center for some swimming. The water was little bit cold but I think they had a good time. Kylie tried the slide once and hated it. She just enjoyed paying around in the water that was "her size." Taylor was crazy and couldn't get enough. We came back after to our house and had a little BBQ, opened a fun gift from Taylor, sang Happy Birthday, and ate cake and ice cream.

She was so excited she had the candles blown out before we ever started singing!

We love you and love watching you grow into the girl you are.
You bring us so much happiness and laughter!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Final Week & Move in Day

So here you have it, our 2499 sq ft. 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home with a loft, mud room, computer nock and garage! This last week went really well. I love how everything has turned out. I wasn't sure about a few things at first, but as I get in and see it all together I think it looks great. Closing on a house is always nerve racking. You never know what extra surprises may pop up and they seem to have a fee for just about everything. Luckily everything went well and we even walked out of there with a lower interest rate then we were expecting. Maybe we will actually be able to afford the house after all. The last week was full of last minute little details, getting it cleaned and the walk through. Last minute things included shutters, and a decorative metal piece above the front window. The poor lady that cleaned the house spent 7 hours there.
Maybe someday I will have a picture of my house without an out house in front. For now I am calling it my extra bathroom.

Move-in day went fairly smoothly. We were so grateful for Jeremy's brother Jon and his family coming to help along with our friend Curtis and Jeremy's parents. They turned into lifesavers when Jeremy got the flu and couldn't help them anymore. They totally took over and got us all moved. Poor Jeremy couldn't stay out of the bathroom. It always so much more work then you anticipate, but we got it done and its fun to come home to this house.

We also had a little birthday celebration for Kylie with cake, ice cream and gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Felix and some of her cousins. Kylie was so excited. She can't enough of this celebrating thing.

She loves her new room and tells everyone its going to be painted PINK. I am not sure yet if she will actually wins out in the end.

Here is a sneak peak of a few of our rooms so far. I can't wait to get paint on the walls and get it decorated.

How do you like those blinds? They are our make shift ones until our real ones arrive.

I am also a proud owner of one of these babies. I am so excited. As we were leaving the title place after signing all the closing papers and said to Jeremy, "Yay we are now garage owners!!" We are stoked about that!

Monday, July 6, 2009

While We Were Gone...

The house building continued. It didn't seem to be going as rapidly as it was before, but defiantly big changes were being made. I happened to leave while they were putting in all the finish work and I was anxious everyday for Jeremy's picture messages updating me on the progress. Because I was gone I can't remember what happened each day specifically, but this is roughly how week four went.

We got paint the first day I left. I have been really nervous about what that would look like. It was the last thing we picked out after a long three hour process and I wasn't in my right mind. I was going for a tan, but its a little bit on the pink side. Maybe once I get my baseboards and doors painted white it will look different. If not, good thing paint is easy to fix. We also got our flooring in our kitchen and bathrooms, light fixtures and they started on the cabinets throughout the house.

On the outside of the house:

They finally stated on the shingles. That was a little annoying because our shingles just sat there for ever and ever before they started on them.

Next they did started the stucco. I was also so nervous about that color. There was only a few choices we had the little square sample we had to look at looked bright yellow to me. I was told it was a great color and I would absolutely love it so I went with it even thought I was a little apprehensive. It actually looks really great and defiantly not the yellow I was expecting. It's really a nice tan color.
Week Five started off with them finally finishing the shingles and putting up the outside lights. They also poured the driveway, the walkway to our door and our back patio. On the inside we had our counter tops in the kitchen and bathrooms, power, cupboard doors, plumbing fixtures and our handrail was started.

By the end of the week we had our handrail finished, mirrors, carpet, rain gutters, metal rail below the big window and the landscaping started. The house is looking great. There are just a few more things that need to be finished up before our walk through on Wednesday. Hopefully we can sign papers on Thursday and move in this weekend!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Arizona Vacation Part Two...The Fun Part

It was so fun once we were able to be back at parents house with a new AC unit and the house cleaned up and back in order. All of the remodeling looked beautiful. All the hard work paid off and it was just fun to relax and hang out.

My favorite part was going shopping for new home decor. I was able to talk my mom into some pretty cool things. It makes me excited to decorate my own house.

Of course Kylie swam and swam and swam in Grandpa's pool. She couldn't get enough of it. Grandma made her rehearse over and over again the rules about being around the pool. We would ask her what the rule was and she would say, "You can't go outside by yourself or go swimming by yourself." She can repeat it so hopefully she understands it.

Jase is also a fan of swimming. He would hang out in his floaty all day.

Grandma bought Jase a fun seat to sit in and he was pretty content to hang out. The poor kid spent most of the time in his diaper. It was just too hot for clothes.

This picture is for Grandpa Felix. He sported one of these for a long time.

It rained really hard for about 15 minutes one day and Kylie loved it. She ran around out there danced and sang. She thought it was awesome!

I was making a cake on the 4th of July for dessert. Kylie wanted to help and soon claimed it as her birthday cake and wanted it pink. We turned it pink, stuck a few candles in the top and sung Happy Birthday to her.
Afterwards, we had a pool party and swam until dark. Kylie didn't know until later that she had missed the fireworks. She was so sad. She loves fireworks and it still asking when we are going to go see them. I have made a note never to miss those again. There is nothing like visiting home and we had a great time. Some days were adventures and some day we weren't sure we would survive, but we did and we can't wait to visit again!