Sunday, July 5, 2009

Arizona Vacation Part Two...The Fun Part

It was so fun once we were able to be back at parents house with a new AC unit and the house cleaned up and back in order. All of the remodeling looked beautiful. All the hard work paid off and it was just fun to relax and hang out.

My favorite part was going shopping for new home decor. I was able to talk my mom into some pretty cool things. It makes me excited to decorate my own house.

Of course Kylie swam and swam and swam in Grandpa's pool. She couldn't get enough of it. Grandma made her rehearse over and over again the rules about being around the pool. We would ask her what the rule was and she would say, "You can't go outside by yourself or go swimming by yourself." She can repeat it so hopefully she understands it.

Jase is also a fan of swimming. He would hang out in his floaty all day.

Grandma bought Jase a fun seat to sit in and he was pretty content to hang out. The poor kid spent most of the time in his diaper. It was just too hot for clothes.

This picture is for Grandpa Felix. He sported one of these for a long time.

It rained really hard for about 15 minutes one day and Kylie loved it. She ran around out there danced and sang. She thought it was awesome!

I was making a cake on the 4th of July for dessert. Kylie wanted to help and soon claimed it as her birthday cake and wanted it pink. We turned it pink, stuck a few candles in the top and sung Happy Birthday to her.
Afterwards, we had a pool party and swam until dark. Kylie didn't know until later that she had missed the fireworks. She was so sad. She loves fireworks and it still asking when we are going to go see them. I have made a note never to miss those again. There is nothing like visiting home and we had a great time. Some days were adventures and some day we weren't sure we would survive, but we did and we can't wait to visit again!


Letters-2-Lily said...

The Hansen house looks great!! Looks like the kids had fun!!

The Estes Family said...

Looks like fun!! the house looks great!!