Monday, November 29, 2010

Their First Snow Fall and Temple Lights

We were at the outdoor mall in the kids play area when all the sudden it started "snowing." Kylie and Jase along with a million other kids ran around thinking it was so fun. All the sudden Kylie tastes the "snow" gets a disgusted look on her face and says, "Mom, this is soap!" and that pretty much ended her excitement about it. She was ready to go after that. 

So we headed to the Mesa Temple to see the lights.

The kids were mesmerized. Jase sat quietly in his stroller just looking around. Kylie was very intrigued by the missionaries. We always pray for them and we have tried to explain who/what they were, but tonight she could see what they look like. She got brave a few times and actually said hi to a few of them. She thought they were so nice to say hi and some shook her hand.  She especially liked the girls. Hopefully that gives her a little better understand of who they are. It was kinda chilly out, but it seems like it's been awhile since just the four of us have been out and it was fun to spend together. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Happy Thanksgivins"

Thanksgiving was spent in AZ this year with most of my immediate family. 
Jase spent most of his time attached to Grandpa. He especially loved all the buttons in Grandpa's office and had his eye on his motorcycle.

Kylie wouldn't leave my sisters' sides and loves the attentions she gets. She loves Grandma's closet full of toys and talked us into tea parties on a  couple occasions.

Grannie Annie was also there and we love spending time with her. She makes amazing sweet potatoes and Jase got pretty good at saying her name.
Jeremy was hopefully able to catch up on some much needed sleep. He probably took at least 2 naps a day!

My little sisters felt shunned sitting at the "kid table". I think I heard Amanda comment that she will be married by next year so this never happens again!:)

We all enjoyed a delicious meal and being together. We have so much to be thankful for and I am grateful for a chance to slow down for a day or two and reflect on the many things we have. As Kylie would say it, "Happy Thanksgivins everyone!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dance Party

My brother brought over his dance party game for the Xbox while we were visiting one night and we had a blast dancing and challenging against each other. Most of us kicked and screamed all the way up there, and then proceeded to humiliate ourselves while we were up there but it made for some good laughs. Kylie, on the other hand she was all over it. She begged and begged for it to be her turn. She loved it and she was pretty dang good at it too.

I wish I would have got more pictures of every one else. We have quite the talent (or the lack there of) in our family and it made for a pretty good time!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Books Everywhere

More often then not the floor in Kylie's room is covered in books! And usually Kylie and Jase are plopped down right in the center of them. They LOVE books! I can't get Jase to sit through a cartoon, but he will sit as still and content as can be on my lap while I am reading him a book.  His favorite book right now is Go Dog Go, but he'll pretty much take any book that has anything to do with animals.  Every Thursday morning we head to the library for Story Time and then after we pick out a few books to take home. Kylie loves the Amelia Bedelia books along with Fancy Nancy.  She's starting to recognize words she's learning at school and I think that makes her even more excited to read.  If only there were a way to magically get all these book back up on the shelf when they were done, this would  definitely be an all around win-win situation!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ok, It's been long enough

I've been waiting very patiently to post some pictures of our newly re-done living room hoping that the hubby would hang the pictures I have to go in there, but atlast I still wait so I will just post them anyway and maybe a few more later when I can finally talk him into putting them up. :)

We started this project way back in July after my parents were so kind to give us their couches that we put in the Family Room. Now our Living Room (or front room) actually had some furniture, but it looked like this...

and to say the least, I was anxious for something different.   So after a few months of working a couple hours here and there we finally finished the molding and painting in this room and it now looks like this...

I don't necessarily love the color of the couches and as I look at these pictures I really don't like the pillows either, but thats easy to fix. (The pillows I mean, the couches have to stay)

I do however, absolutely love the gray paint color and I love the contrast with the white and of course I love the molding! Jeremy is very particular and very careful when he does a project like this and it pays off because I think it looks amazing!! I love how it turned out. To be honest the painting was little rough trying to get into all the grooves and making sure everything was covered, but if (the key work being IF) I can pull off what I have envisioned in this room then I will be stoked! Stay tuned.....hopefully I will have more to show real soon!! :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mr. Chatterbox

I think I have mentioned recently how much Jase has grown up the last little while. I think him finally walking set it off and nothing is stopping him now.  I have even had neighbors tell me they didn't realize him running down the street trying to keep up with the other kids until they got a good look.  

He's quite the opinionated kid that knows what he likes and what he doesn't and isn't afraid to tell you. Jase has also become quite the talker all the sudden.  He's can pretty much tell me exactly what he wants through his words.  There is a chance I may be the only one who can understand some of what he says right now, but I kinda like that way. It's our secret language that only him and I (and sometimes Dad and Kylie) know. 

We were in a parking lot and Jase saw a whole bunch of birds and he said, "Birds, birds, birds...I love you!" I was totally random, but so funny. He has also mastered Kylie's name and on more then one occasion yelled for her to come back to cart at the store. He knows most of the neighbor kid's names and as we pass their houses on walks he points them out to me. He also knows which houses have dogs and lets me know it. He loves to look at pictures and will point out everybody he knows in them with excitement.  

I absolutely love watching his grow up. I can't believe he will be two in a month from today. To think that two years ago at this time I wasn't even close to being ready for him to come. I wouldn't change a thing though! He definitely keeps us on our toes, but makes us very happy. We LOOOOOVE him!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was a good time this year. Kylie knew exactally what was up and could hardly stand to wait another day to dress up and go trick-or-treating. Jase did pretty well himself. He didn't really know what he was going on, but tried his best to keep up with the other kids. All he knew was he was carrying a huge bag of candy and couldn't wait to dig in. 

We first hit up the few houses in our neighborhood and actually got quite the loot. We walked away with several full sized candy bars and a few sugar cookies.

Next, we headed out to a neighborhood that was probably one of the busiest in the whole city, but we heard that Santa was there handing out ice ream and we couldn't pass that up. Kylie had a blast with all her friends. They ran full speed from house to house and it took all we had to keep up. 
Between his ice cream and his bag of candy, Jase was one happy guy!

 Just as expected Halloween was a success this year and I think we've got just about enough candy to last us a lifetime.