Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was a good time this year. Kylie knew exactally what was up and could hardly stand to wait another day to dress up and go trick-or-treating. Jase did pretty well himself. He didn't really know what he was going on, but tried his best to keep up with the other kids. All he knew was he was carrying a huge bag of candy and couldn't wait to dig in. 

We first hit up the few houses in our neighborhood and actually got quite the loot. We walked away with several full sized candy bars and a few sugar cookies.

Next, we headed out to a neighborhood that was probably one of the busiest in the whole city, but we heard that Santa was there handing out ice ream and we couldn't pass that up. Kylie had a blast with all her friends. They ran full speed from house to house and it took all we had to keep up. 
Between his ice cream and his bag of candy, Jase was one happy guy!

 Just as expected Halloween was a success this year and I think we've got just about enough candy to last us a lifetime.


Ashley Bean said...

I love their costumes! They are so cute!!

Rogers Family said...

super cute costumes!!! and i love the family pics on the previous post!!! They are awesome!

Jamie said...

Adorable costumes! They are the cutest.

leslie said...

where was the santa house? that's great!

Nicole said...

Whoever heard of Santa on Halloween! How fun. They look super cute!

Mills Family said...

They look so cute in their costumes. Wow you guys get good candy for halloween full size candy bars thats great!

luke and kourt said...

We used to have a Santa house in the neighborhood I grew up in! Your kids are so adorable and I loved seeing them at the door on Halloween :)

Karlie said...

Oh my gosh cutest family pictures ever!!!! I love it. Glad you had a fun Halloween

Alexis said...

awww!!! i love them!! they are the cutest kids ever!!!! i LOVE their costumes!!