Monday, November 8, 2010

Mr. Chatterbox

I think I have mentioned recently how much Jase has grown up the last little while. I think him finally walking set it off and nothing is stopping him now.  I have even had neighbors tell me they didn't realize him running down the street trying to keep up with the other kids until they got a good look.  

He's quite the opinionated kid that knows what he likes and what he doesn't and isn't afraid to tell you. Jase has also become quite the talker all the sudden.  He's can pretty much tell me exactly what he wants through his words.  There is a chance I may be the only one who can understand some of what he says right now, but I kinda like that way. It's our secret language that only him and I (and sometimes Dad and Kylie) know. 

We were in a parking lot and Jase saw a whole bunch of birds and he said, "Birds, birds, birds...I love you!" I was totally random, but so funny. He has also mastered Kylie's name and on more then one occasion yelled for her to come back to cart at the store. He knows most of the neighbor kid's names and as we pass their houses on walks he points them out to me. He also knows which houses have dogs and lets me know it. He loves to look at pictures and will point out everybody he knows in them with excitement.  

I absolutely love watching his grow up. I can't believe he will be two in a month from today. To think that two years ago at this time I wasn't even close to being ready for him to come. I wouldn't change a thing though! He definitely keeps us on our toes, but makes us very happy. We LOOOOOVE him!!!


Ashley Bean said...

He is SO big and so cute! I can't wait to see all of you for Thanksgiving!

Jamie said...

He looks so grown up! I can hardly believe he's the same kid I saw crawling around in June.

Mills Family said...

He is s cute and he has changed so much in just the last few months he looks so big now. Its crazy how fast they grow up!

luke and kourt said...

Me and Luke always laugh when we see Jase outside now. He is just so cute and we love seeing him try to keep up with everyone. He is a cutie, that's for sure!

Dyer Family said...

He looks so old in that picture! Holy Cow!

Alexis said...

oh my goodness... i seriously have the CUTEST nephew in the world!! i am super excited to see you all for Thanksgiving!!!

leslie said...

he is so handsome!