Sunday, January 13, 2008

A truly Inspired program

Well, it's finally here, the day we've all been waiting for... today was the first day of nursery!! YAHOO! The blessed age of 18 months is finally upon us. I know I shouldn't have the attitude of "I can't wait until she can do this" or "I can't wait for that to happen," but these last few months of church have been painful. And I truly could not wait until she was old enough for nursery! I've been told that of course when kids turn 18 months they gain separation anxiety and nursery can be a nightmare for all, but nope, not our child. She walked in, saw the Fisher Price Kitchen and she was off. I don't think she looked back. I think Jeremy and I expected her to hold on to our leg and kind of hang back a bit, but it didn't take her two seconds to get across that gym to the huge closet of goods. We both just stood there and watched for a second and then looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and said "Well, let's go." After all is said and done I'm not quite sure how I feel about all this. I can't believe I have a child, I HAVE A CHILD going to Nursery. I have a child almost entering Primary. I have always known other people who must have been WAY older than me have a child old enough for such things, but for me?!?!?

The first day of Nursery
Just as important as the first day of school, right?? We had to take a picture.


Reid and Brittney said...

I know isn't it a great day when they finally get to go to nursery. I remember counting down the days until Cameron was old enough, I think I even took him in a couple of weeks early and stayed in there with him. It is nice to actually be able to go and sit in sunday school, and relief society. I can't wait again for Luke to be in nursery...6 months!!!

I am so happy you did a blog now we can keep in touch!!!

Austin said...

OMG She is SOOO cute! And that IS way excited!