Thursday, March 4, 2010

Here's To You, Dr. Seuss

Apparently this week, or maybe sometime soon, it's Dr. Seuss' birthday and Kylie's pre-school celebrated. Tuesday was crazy clothes day. Kylie wore everything backwards and two different colored shoes. She loved that and thought that was so fun, but today was even better. It was crazy hair day. She had her idea of crazy hair all thought up in her head. She explained that she wanted braids and she wanted it to stick up. Well, this was the best we could come up and she was quite pleased. She couldn't wait to go to school and show everyone. What can I say, the girl LOVES birthdays and she'll do just about anything to celebrate!


Mills Family said...

She is so cute! Okay so how do you get your pics to go together like that is it through the blog?

Alexis said...

what a cutie!!! she is quite creative just like her mom! :)

The Estes Family said...

I love her hair, so cute, and I'm still laughing at the duck hunt comment:)

Kristi said...

LOVE it thats very GOOD Hair!!

leslie said...

so fun! at least kylie's mom is a hairdresser. allie's mom wouldn't know what to do!