Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catchin' Up

We haven't been too exciting this week. Not much has gone on. On Tuesday though Kylie and I went up to Cedar and hung out with my sister-in-law Amy and her sister Apryl. We worked on little projects for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I love this time of year and getting ready for Christmas and working on a bunch of projects.

Kylie has become obsessed with Tinkerbell. Grandpa and Grandma Hansen gave her the movie in Arizona and she loves it! We even had a picnic one day with Tinkerbell. It's actually a pretty cute movie. I don't mind sitting down and watching it with her.

Kylie is really funny when she watches cartoons. She is starting to really understand what is going on with the characters and the dilemmas they go through. I love to come in the room while she is watching a show and ask her what is going on. Usually in a very serious concerned voice she will tell me about a monkey that is stuck in the tree and someone has to through the forest and over the hill and around the pond to save it. Or whatever the situation may be. She is always so relieved at the end to see that everything worked out just as planned. She is also very good to participate with the characters and yell out the things they need her to.

Her little memory is getting pretty sharp too. Which is something that we have to get used to and could be kind of scary. Last night we told her we would watch Kung Fu Panda before going to bed, but we were too tired and decided to watch it today. She wasn't to happy about it, but still went to bed ok. This morning when Jeremy went into her room to get her for church the first thing she said was "I want to watch Panda." She remembered all night long. Funny thing is she forgot that we told her we would have to go to church first and then come home to watch the movie. Apparently at this point it's just selected memory.

Just a random picture after a long hard day of playing.

My sister Ashley called on Friday night to tell me she got engaged!! I am so excited! I am not quite sure of all the details yet, but all I know is my cousin Millie had called Ashley earlier in the week and asked if she would come babysit for her on Friday. Well, when Ashley arrived she found that David had flown in from AZ and was waiting there along with a whole bunch of candles and roses. I think she was definitely surprised. My family has actually known David and his family ever since we moved to Arizona. They were in our ward. His older sister Brittney is a really good friend of mine. I love the Bean family. I never would have guessed back then that Ashley and David would get married someday!

Hopefully we have had somewhat of a relaxing week. Next week will be pretty busy while we get ready to go to Arizona for Thanksgiving.


Reid and Brittney said...

Can you believe it? We are going to be related..well sort of!!! We'll get to share neices or nephews. I was hoping someday that would happen but didn't know how it would until David started dating Ashley... I guess it just never crossed my mind. We are so excited for them!!! I can't wait for the wedding and to get to see you and your new baby boy.

Brittney said...

You don't suppose that maybe just possibly if I'm not in the hospital we could see you over Thanksgiving? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? It would make my year!

The Estes Family said...

wow I had no idea how exciting tell her congrats!!!

Mills Family said...

Tell Ashley Congrats from us, how exciting for her. So when is the big day have they decided yet?

Valley View Ward Relief Society said...

My girls LOVE Tinkerbell too. The picnic seriously looks like something we would have when they were Kylie's age too. I love girls!!

Brittney said...

I'm scheduled to be induced on monday before Thanksgiving. But no matter what, I want to see you when you are here. I will be fine if she will just get the heck out!