Saturday, November 8, 2008

Playing At The Park

Today was such a nice day. The weather was perfect and we have a really fun park near by so we took advantage and had a picnic and played at the park. As Kylie would play on the playground she would point out which things were for boys and which things were for girls. All the big things that she couldn't do by herself must be for boys and all the other things she could climb or on swing on or slide on where for girls. And of course I took a picture of her doing it all.


Reid and Brittney said...

Looks like boys love going to the park!!! Kylie is so cute and getting so big I wish we lived closer so the kids could play. Hope things are going great!!!

Alexis said...

cute! she is getting so big!!!

leslie said...

yea for new blog friends!...although i could just walk two doors down and talk to you myself, this is more fun! i loved your "change" post. i may have to copy you on that...hope you don't mind. maybe allie and i will come visit tomorrow.?

AaronandLoriSmith said...

such a cute little girl you have! You are so skinny by the way--I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant! Congrats on getting a boy! They are really fun.