Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunbeam Boy

It's so hard to believe Jase is already old enough for Sunbeams! He doesn't seem near old enough to sit quietly during class  and come away from church without snack time. The first week was a tiny bit rough. We had to walk right past the nursery to get to the primary room and once he caught a glimpse of his old nursery teachers he was not about to sit quietly on a row next to a new teacher he wasn't familiar with! Jeremy had to sit with him for the first few minutes, but he soon warmed up and realized his new teachers weren't all that bad either. Every week since he has been super excited to go to Primary just like he was for nursery and he often comments on how nice his teachers are. Most weeks Kylie takes Jase by the hand and walks him to his sit and a couple times Jeremy and I have peeked in to see Kylie giving Jase a little pep talk telling him she's only a few rows away if he needs anything. 

There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your children thrive in the gospel. They are still young and of course their favorite parts are the fun entertaining parts of church, but I hope they find comfort and enjoyment from feeling the spirit as they get older and start to recognize it more in their lives. I am very grateful for their strong little spirits and the way they radiate love and innocence. They are huge examples to me and I just hope I can adequately teach them so they continue to have this enthusiasm for the gospel.  


Alexis said...

Jase is so lucky to have such a good older sister! seriously, those two are the cutest!!

Penny said...

I love this little family!!!