Sunday, October 5, 2008

Babysitting, 60* Weather & Conference

We had a pretty uneventful week, but finally got a little bit of excitement (if that is what you would call it) this weekend. First Kylie had her first babysitter (besides friends and family)come over and babysit while Jeremy and I went to the temple. She thought this was the best arrangement she has ever experiences. She was so excited to have someone come just to play with her. Kylie actually thought she was doing the babysitting. She kept asking when she was going to babysit Amber. When I took Amber home she said Kylie laughs a lot. She had a good time and it was nice that Jeremy and I were able to go do something by ourselves.
We woke up on Saturday morning stepped outside and it was COLD! I couldn't believe how much the temperature had changed over night. We had some rain during the night and it continued to drizzle through out the day. It was NICE! Jeremy noticed the car said it was 60*. It was weird to come in the house and have it be WARMER then outside. I love fall!!

We also enjoyed Conference this weekend. I look forward to it every 6 months. Kylie was fairly intrigued by it. We pointed out President Monson to her and she recognized him every time he stood up. It was fun to watch her as she would recognize words they were saying such as Book of Mormon, missionary and Jesus Christ. Her very favorite part was when her "friends" sang during the afternoon session on Saturday. She loved all the Primary kids.

One time she stood up on her trike held the Children's Hymnbook in one hand and led the choir with the other.

And one last thing, we went for a walk around the temple today and as we pull up and were getting out Kylie jumps out of her seat and says, "I am so excited!" She couldn't wait to walk around the temple. I hope she's always that excited about the temple.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

What a wonderful weekend. Kylie is so smart! I can tell you spend lots of time teaching her the good things. You guys are great parents. I love reading your blog and see how she is growing up. You have a good life!