Thursday, June 14, 2012

Random Happenings

We're doing our best around here to find a new norm. We've been blessed to have a ton a help the last few weeks with my mom and Lexie here and then my dad and Amanda came a few days after Addley was born and then the rest of my family minus one of my brothers came for the weekend. I have loved having all the visitors and the kids of course are in heaven with all the attention. Jeremy's family has also been really nice to offer help as well.

We're still trying to figure out this babe's routine and we're hoping she will soon realize it's way more fun to be awake during the day and sleep at night rather than then other way around.  She loves to eat and she loves to be held. She's been one spoiled little girl!!

Kylie and Jase love her. I am surprised at how long Kylie will sit and hold her without getting bored. She tries to talk to her and tell her about things. If Addley starts to fuss a little Kylie frantically does anything she can to soothe her because she's afraid I will take her from her to soothe her myself.

Jase isn't much of the holding type. He talks about his 'baby girl" all the time and likes to see her, but insists that she is way too heavy for him. I guess until he has built up that muscle mass he'll just enjoy her in someone else's arms and with an occasional kiss.

I love her teeny tiny-ness. There is nothing like cuddling a newborn and I'll be sad when she's not this small anymore.
 I've been overwhelmed with all the love and kindness everyone have shown us. People have been so thoughtful with meals and gifts and baby showers and even flowers were sent from my doctor. 
A few weeks before Addley was born the awesome ladies I work with in Young Women's along with the young women threw me a surprise baby shower one night during one of our activities. It was so fun and I came away with some really nice gifts and this super cute motorcycle Minnie.

At her two week check-up she was up 2 oz from birth and has grown an inch. That puts her in the 22nd percentile for weight and 76th for length. I wasn't surprised to see that she had grown. She's a great little eater, well actually she's more of snacker.  She seems to prefer eating small amounts every hour and a half or so. I am hoping it's just because her tummy is tiny right now and she'll hopefully soon being willing to take more and extend those feeding times.

I've noticed how way more relaxed I am this time around. It's hard to compare much of this experience with Jase's but I know from Kylie and now this time I definitely don't worry about things as much. I remember with Kylie I was so focused on following all the rules I ever read in a book. I was always making sure I wasn't doing anything to produce bad habits whether it was with sleeping or eating or anything else I did with her, this time I find that I don't stress about it as much. I've been known to hold Addley pretty much all night long because she didn't want to be put down and I haven't been too worried about her frequent eating because I figure she'll grow out of it.  I think just from experience I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. I'm a stresser by nature, but this time I'm really trying to take each day and enjoy it because lets face it, if I didn't this whole three kid, we're out numbered thing just might kick our behinds!


Nicole said...

She is so cute! I love that Minnie Motorcycle. How creative!! It was good to see you last week. You're whole family is just adorable.

Jamie said...

What an angel! How are you doing now that you have an emptier house?

Mills Family said...

she is adorable! Also its nice when your other 2 are good about her and loving to hold her and stuff! Anyways what a cutie!

luke and kourt said...

I love the pic of Kylie snuggling her little sis, so so cute!