Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So...Does This Look Like a Problem?

He just turned 2 and still super attached to his binki at night and nap times. The problem is, I think I'm just as attached as he is! He sleeps SO good at night and goes right down for naps. I have a sneaking suspicions it's because he gets quality time with these babies. He really does get kinda giddy when we put him in his bed and hand him the loot.  I'm afraid it will be a long and sad process to get rid of them and for whatever reason I'm just not up for the battle yet...Maybe when he's 5! (Just kidding, my goal is to get serious about it when we get back from Disneyland...until then I hope he enjoys them. I know I do!!!)


Alexis said...

hahah! Just the other day i was reading the post about when you took Kylie's away! dang they are growing up quick!

can't wait to see you all in two weeks!:)

Jamie said...

That picture is hilarious! I say let him enjoy it while you both can.

Mills Family said...

Oh I so know what you mean, Ayden is so attached to his bink that I don't want to take it away cuz he sleeps good and naps only if he has it, so yes I think its really me that is so attached to letting him have it so he will sleep, so I am right there with you on that one I just don't know what to do or how to get him away from it.
Caleb was easy he kind of chewed his apart so I just said k your done and took it away a couple of weeks ago and he has been fine, but ayden is another story. K let me know how it goes.

Nicole said...

I finally took T's away because he started crying for it all day long instead of just nap and bedtimes. And you are right, naps and bedtime aren't as nice anymore, but I'm glad he doesn't have them anymore. My best advice is to just go cold turkey. It will be a rough few nights, but then it will be over! And there is no going back!

Deruchette said...

That is hilarious...I love the picture!!! Our little guy feels the same way about his binkies...I am not looking forward to getting rid of them. But, he is only 1 right now :D

Michael and Bonnie said...

Ah. Clark loves his binkie too! Once you figure out how to take it away....let me know how to do it.

Brittney said...

Scarlett has three too but she had one in each hand. I was feeling the same way but didn't want to push it during the move and was just letting it go. Two days after we got here she chewed holes in all of them. Problem solved. I secretly wish she still had them.