Thursday, April 7, 2011


 this whole "mommy" business can be really hard...But I am definitely trying my very best and I hope they know that!

 One thing I KNOW, for sure they will never question is my LOVE for them because that part couldn't be EASIER!!


Jamie said...

I honestly don't know how parents have the energy to do all they do - it amazes me. I do know they will never doubt your love, it shows through in every action.

luke and kourt said...

I think your doing a great job, but what do I know, since I am kid-less. Your kids seem really happy all the time and to me that shows you love them and they are taken care of so what more would they want?

Alexis said...

Yessssss I took that picture!!! You know your the most amazing mom, right? I really hope I can be as fun and caring and selfless as you are with Kylie and jase!:)

Robyn said...

Thanks Andrea! Sometimes I need a reminder. ;)

Ashley Bean said...

You are an awesome mom!! An amazing example to all your sisters.PS I love Kylie and Jase too, they are the best!!

Mills Family said...

from what I know of you and read on your blog about the things you do with your kids and all the time you spend with them and trying to make them happy you are a great mom, because yes being a parent is one of the hardest things in life but we wouldn't change it for the world and trust me they will know what a great mom you are ecspecially when they are older.

Brittney said...

I completely agree woman.