Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bridal Shower For Olivia

The Felix family is just about complete, well as far as in-laws go. Zane is getting married on March 14th to Olivia and we are all really excited. My sister-in-laws and I threw a little shower for her and it was really fun. We decided to have a theme of Zane and Olivia's Firsts. We videoed Zane answering a bunch of questions about himself and then asked Olivia the same to see how well she knew him. She did really well. They seem perfect for each other and I am excited for a Olivia to be part of the family.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Little Burritos

We wrap Jase up really tight when he sleeps to help him sleep better. We did the same thing for Kylie when she was a baby. Kylie decided she wanted to be wrapped up again like "baby Jase" so we got out a big blanket and wrapped her up too. Can you believe the size difference? Kylie was always so little to me until Jase came along now she seems so big.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not hugely celebrated at our house...although it should be!! Kylie on the other hand as been super excited about it. I'm not sure how she picked up on it because I hadn't really talked about it with her, but every time it was mentioned on the TV she would get really excited. She loves holidays and I think she figured out that that's what it was. Last night she was having a hard time going to bed so I told her that tomorrow was Valentine's day and if she was a good girl and went to sleep that cupid would bring her a gift in the night. She had a hard time remembering his name and kept calling him Lukum. After asking several questions such as, "What does Lukum look like?" and "How does he get here?" She finally went to bed.

This morning she was excited to discover that Cupid had come and left her a Mr. "Potatum" Head...of himself. She calls him potatum head because my cousin that I stayed with up in Salt Lake while Jase was in the hospital has a daughter named Tatum who is Kylie's same age and the two became good friends. In the very beginning Kylie called Tatum Potatum. Apparently she thought her name sounded like potato. I don't know why she thought that, but it was funny. (she did later learn that her name was just Tatum) So now she calls potatoes potatums.

Jeremy and I decided to get crazy and try our hand at heart shaped pancakes. How hard can it be really?

Mine had a bit of a Micky Mouseness about them...

and Jeremy's biggest problem was getting one flipped over without landing on another.

The rest of the day was just spent hanging out. We did decided to venture out and went for a ride around town. That is about as romantic as it gets with a two year old and a baby who can't get sick.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quality Time

My mom and sister Ashley just left after spending a few days here with us. It was so nice to have them here and have their help. I had a built-in nanny that cooked, cleaned, bought groceries, made sure my kids got feed, made dinner, babysat so I could get out for awhile, was more that willing to get up in the night with crying babies, let me sleep in and helped me take Jase and all of his junk to the doctor. I really could get used to having her around! She best part is she does it for free!! I really appreciate all the help and spending time with them.
My mom brought us a bunch of grapefruit and oranges from their tree. One of the oranges she brought was bigger than Jase's head.

I also got a few pictures of Kylie and my dad when she went to visit for a few weeks. Every afternoon Kylie and he would jump on the motorized Jazzy chair and whip around the neighborhood to get the mail. Kylie loved it!!

I have a feeling Kylie would have no problem if my dad always had a broken leg. She loved taking care of him and reaping all the benefits.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy DUE DATE Day!

Today is Jase's two month birthday and today is also his DUE DATE. Ever since he has been born I have often thought that this little baby would be just the same as he is now only he would still be inside me. Looking at him it's weird to imagine. He is perfect with all the right body parts developed just the way they should be he just needed the time grow. I am very grateful that babies develop the way they do and he still wasn't needed an arm or eyeballs because he didn't have the time to develop them. These last two months have been a challenge and I wouldn't ask for this to happen again, but I have loved everything minute with him watching him grow and become the strong little guy that he is.

Someday we will get some pictures without oxygen dots on his face!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Its been a whole week since Jase has come home and I am so glad he is here. It certainly beats going to the hospital to see him. I have though felt like some days I have had to turn into survival mode to make it through. Its a little bit tough because Jase is hooked up to his monitors and so he mostly stays up in my room unless I unhook him long enough to bring him down and then all the stuff that comes with him and hook him up downstairs. Its been a little bit different then bringing home a new born. He is very awake and alert a lot of the time, he has a schedule that the nurses established for him and he can hold up his head on his own. It's also been strange because I have healed and I feel really good except for being tired. Jeremy has said a couple time that he had forgotten what it was like to have a newborn. Jase struggles with acid reflex and so he will sometimes moan and groan and sound uncomfortable in the night after he has eaten. He's a pretty noisy sleeper. But then again Jeremy really has no room to talk. He has become a "noisy" sleeper himself the last little while.

Kylie has done well with him. I think at first she didn't think he was staying forever. Every other kid that has come to our house eventually leaves. I think she assumed he would do the same so she was pretty OK with him at first. A couple days later she realized he wasn't going anywhere and she has become pretty attached to Jeremy. One day she wanted me to play with her and her dolls and Jase was crying and needed some attention so I was trying to help him and she says, "Mom, just take him back to the hospital and put him in his bed." She also learned really quick that she's not as supervised as she used to be. She cut her hair for the third time because it was "bugging her." She now has a huge chunk taken out of the side of her head. There are only a few strands left that hang over her ear.

She has asked to hold him a couple times. The first time didn't go so well, so she mostly just sticks to giving him tons of hugs and kisses and tries to dance with him.

We gave him his first bath at home. He liked it until I started washing him up them he hated it. Kylie was pretty concerned the whole time that we were playing with his toys in the bath.

He was happy to be wrapped up in the blanket and he slept the best he has slept that night. I think it wore him out. That just may be the trick to get him to sleep better.