Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Girl is 3

Its hard to believe that Kylie is actually three. That seems so grown up to me. This makes her old enough for preschool, sunbeams and being independent (so she thinks). I think back on the day she was born and I was so anxious. I didn't have a clue what to expect and she kept me guessing for 6 extra days. She finally came and changed our lives forever. I love to watch her. I often wonder what goes on in that little mind of hers. I think she is so smart. She has always talked very clearly and seems to understand what goes on around her. She remembers things and will talk about them days, sometimes weeks later. She reminds us often not to say "naughty words" and gets really upset when she knows someone is sad. Some days I don't know if I can handle her, but in the same instant I know I couldn't live without her. She absolutely adores her brother and most days can't get enough of him. I love the funny little things she says and her innocent view on life. She is absolutely amazing and beautiful and we love her very much!!

Today was a fun day. I wanted to make it a big deal for her because she has been so excited for this day for a long time. She loves birthdays and to have it be HER birthday so exciting for her. WE started out by making her cake. This is probably the biggest reason why she loves birthday because she loves to help make the cake. Well with my amazing cake decorating abilities, or lack there of, I decided I would let Kylie take a stab at it and she was more than thrilled to try her hand at it. Of course the cake was pink with pink frosting. I thought I would get fancy and make a round cake that I actually took out of the pan. I didn't have a nice plate to put it on so it got stuck on a dinner plate. Kylie sprinkled it and applied the flowers and stars. As far as I am concerned she did a fantastic job!

Jeremy got off of work a little bit early and thank goodness he did because was anxious to open her presents. She walked away with quite the loot including a blow-up swimming pool, that "Can not get grass in it!"

Later in the afternoon we invited her best little friend Taylor and her family to join us at the Rec center for some swimming. The water was little bit cold but I think they had a good time. Kylie tried the slide once and hated it. She just enjoyed paying around in the water that was "her size." Taylor was crazy and couldn't get enough. We came back after to our house and had a little BBQ, opened a fun gift from Taylor, sang Happy Birthday, and ate cake and ice cream.

She was so excited she had the candles blown out before we ever started singing!

We love you and love watching you grow into the girl you are.
You bring us so much happiness and laughter!!


Dyer Family said...

Yay for birthdays!! And what a yummy cake and dinner it was:) I may enlist her to start making all my bday cakes!

Dyer Family said...

HA I just noticed the picture of the lifeguard tryin to rescue Boston from drowning on the slide...where is that kids parents?!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Kylie! She is so cute!

Mills Family said...

Oh she is so cute, I can't believe she is already 3 either time goes by so fast its not fair. Happy Birthday Kylie!

Wendi said...

Happy Birthday Kylie! 3 is so grown up! Enjoy the moments, they go so fast!

Letters-2-Lily said...

Happy birthday Kylie! She is so big, I remember her right after she was born at the family reunion! She has just got so big and grown up!

Clark Family said...

It is amazing how time flies! They grow up so fast. It is hard to believe that they were so little once and needed us to take care of their every need. And now they choose to do it all themselves. Don't blink because before you know it she will be going to Kindergarten.

Jamie said...

I can't believe she is already 3 - Kylie is adorable. I love reading about her adventures.

leslie said...

happy birthday kylie! looks like you had a great day!