Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wicked Weekend

We made a special trip to Arizona over the 24th of July to see the Broadway Musical WICKED. I
have to agree with everybody I have ever talked to about it and say that is was AMAZING!!! I
wasn't real familiar with the story. I knew it had something to do with the Wizard of OZ and the Wizard of OZ isn't really my favorite story so I wasn't sure what to expect, but really it totally surpassed my expectations. The singing was great and something I never expected was that it was really funny!! I absolutely loved it and would love to see again!

I don't have pictures of everybody, but my whole family was there and I love spending time with all of them!

The rest of the weekend was spent just hanging out. My parent had a few projects for Jeremy and we went school shopping for my little sister. Kylie enjoyed doing tricks with grandpa and grandma's new tub that has cool color changing lights. Jase officially become the newest BYU fan now that he can fit into the shirt and bib grandpa gave him.
Saturday morning my brother-in-law David took us all out on his family's boat and we had a blast!! I think Jeremy and I are still recovering from how sore we got.I'm not much for participating in water sports its so fun to watch. David has been doing this isn't he was a kid and he can do some amazing things our there. It was also fun to watch my siblings and Jeremy try their hand at it.

I can't remember what you call this thing, but its some kind of sky chair that you sit on and ride above the water. David has it mastered and showed us some pretty sweet flips.

Call me lame, but the tubes are what I am talkin' about! I haven't been on any for years and it was just as crazy as I remember!

Thanks flag lady for keeping us safe while we were out there!

Kylie tried them for a few minutes, but she absolutely hated them. She still talks about how much she hates them. She didn't mind the boat, but she hated riding on the tube!!

This video is so funny!! It's of my dad trying to get back up on the tube feet first! I laugh every time I watch it!

Congratulations if you made it through my picture overload. As always we had a great time and look forward to the next time we go.


Amanda said...

haha why is dad always the laughing stalk on boat trips? He always finds a way to make mom cry with laughter!!

Alexis said...

man i wish i could have been there!!!!

Reid and Brittney said...

That boat looks rather familiar... glad you guys had a great time. Your house looks great, can't wait to see more pics as you decorate it more. Congrats!!