Sunday, March 27, 2011


It's been TWO whole weeks since Jase has seen the likes of these...

And it was all his idea! He took a look at one of them one night and said, "binky yucky" so I told him to go throw it away. He took all 8 of then and walked into the bathroom and threw them in the garbage. I think he regretted his decision a little bit and it took him a night a two to get used to the idea, but he actually has done really well without them considering how attached he was to them. His naps are still awesome and he still sleeps in really well (on the days we don't have to get up for Kylie's school).  He has always been one really great sleeper and I can't be more grateful!! Now if only he wasn't totally, completely and 100% against going potty on the toilet  we would be in excellent shape!!


Alexis said...

Aww what a big boy!!! That's crazy! It seems like you were JUST posting about Kylie getting rid of
Her binkys! They grow up so fast :)

Mills Family said...

oh how lucky were you that he wanted to do it himself, I think Ayden will have his until he is 5 no joke he is so attached that if he doesn't have it for even a second he starts screaming....binky, burp rag, binky, burp rag and that is all I hear until I get it for him ya not only is he attached to his binky but he is attached to his burp rags also...I don't know what I am going to do. Anyways that is awesome!

Jamie said...

Congrats! A big milestone for a big boy.

luke and kourt said...

Yeah! What a big boy! Not gonna lie, I had a bink till I was 4 I think!