Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break in AZ

The kids and I took a last minute trip to Arizona for most of Spring Break. This was the second time I have ridden by myself with the kids, but they do really really well in the car.

They were getting a little bit restless towards the end on the way there so Kylie requested we listen to the Tarzan sound track which has some pretty entertaining song when your've been cooped up in the car for 6 hours. The two of them got laughing so hard it was hilarious. I did my best to grab a picture of it from the front seat while I was driving.

We spent the week
hanging out by the pool,

having a picnic and playing at the splash pad,

visiting a "train park"

 and of course we can't forget riding Grandpa's motorcycle and Ashley and David's little motor bike.

We also celebrated Ashley's birthday, bathed in Grandma's awesome bath and found success at a new shopping center. I unfortunately got really sick the second day we were there, but if I am going to get sick being at my mom's is the best place to be. I am pretty sure I didn't do a single thing for my kids all week and they we were well taken care of. Arizona is always a good time and this time certainly didn't disappoint!  
* By the way, Jase would have nothing to do with his swim suit. He would not go near it, but you can bet he wanted everything to do with the water!! 


Jamie said...

That's just the kind of trip I've been dreaming of!

Nicole said...

I need some sun. Maybe we'll have to head to Aunt Penny's too.

Mills Family said...

Looks like you guys had a great time and once again we are so jealous of the nice weather you are enjoying!

luke and kourt said...

Looks like a great, warm vacation! Time with family is always the best!