Friday, May 13, 2011

Thank You, Loft

One of my most favorite things about my house is our loft. It's upstairs. It's a big area with a good sized closet and a computer nook. When I first saw the floor plan for our house I knew it was would be the perfect playroom. We could keep all the toys in the closet and keep the messes upstairs and for the most part that's exactly what it does. It enables me to keep the downstairs picked-up and kids have a great place to play. 

And I couldn't be more grateful for it because if this mess was all throughout my house I just might go crazy!!


Nicole said...

Our loft or "bonus room" as our builder calls it, will be a play room too! I am so excited for it. Although I marvel at how brave you are to leave your computer in there with your kids. Trace would have ruined ours by now!

Ashley Bean said...

Your house is always so nice and clean. I have never seen even your loft look messy!

Jamie said...

What I wouldn't give for a room like this in my house right now!

Mills Family said...

Oh how I wish I would have kept our bonus room right about now, we have made my gym/a playroom that one day will be a guest room but for now its a mess and its right downstairs so most of the toys end up all over the house, I am going to have to take a pic and post it if only it were upstairs and out of the way like yours is. Ya and like nicole said you are very brave to let them around the computer mine would have it destroyed also.