Thursday, May 5, 2011

We've Broken Out the Suits

Temperature are rising pretty quickly around these parts so we thought we would head to the river on Main with some friends today. It was a perfect day because it wasn't too hot and the water wasn't really too cold and of course the kids loved it. 
Kylie insisted that the river warranted her need for her goggles. I'm not so sure I agree! She mostly just looked silly running around in them. I am so grateful Jase can walk this year. It wasn't very fun last year taking him to places like this because he wanted to go with the other kids, but he just couldn't. I think Jase would agree that walking was one of the best things he has learned to do so far! :)

Of course, if you ask Jase playing in the water would not be complete without being sprayed in the face several times and loving it. I still don't understand why, but ever since Jase was really little he has loved running water and there is nothing better then a good face spray. On the other hand it used to take all I had to get Kylie to play in a splash pad, but I think she's over coming her fear and actually really enjoys them.  A day like today makes me really excited for the summer.  St. George is full of fun places to play or swim and if it has to a million degrees out then these are the places we want to be!


Jamie said...

I'm a bit jealous - my big temperature adjustment so far is leaving the Uggs in SLC when I came to Aurora for the weekend.

Alexis said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!!! Kylie and her little friend are so cute together! :)