Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break Part 2

Jeremy and I spent the last few days of Spring Break in what is suppose to be sunny San Diego with my sister Ashley, her husband David and my parents. I'm not sure we saw a drop of sun, but that certainly didn't keep us from having a great time!! It actually took the pressure off of making sure we crammed everything in we could and we just kind of took each day as they came.  We started the vacay with a bang and my dad treated us to a Segway tour of the city. It was an absolute BLAST!! To be fair the tour company strongly advised against my sister and I riding them because we are pregnant, and we both thought long and hard about it for about 2 seconds and then jumped on them, got familiar with it and we were off!! They took extra precautions with us and actually brought along an extra tour guide to ensure our safety, which we really appreciated. I think my mom may have been the most nervous of all of us  and it probably made her more nervous that we weren't nervous at all once we got the hang of it.

The tour was about 2 1/2 hours long and we learned quite a bit of interesting things about the city. A lot of the fun of it was passing people on the streets and them getting a kick out of us. I'm sure they were jealous! :)

 After we sadly got off our Segways we headed over to Coronado Island to check out the haunted hotel and the Island. I don't know what it was, but I loved the neighborhoods on that island. Our tour guide told us that the homes were millions of dollars and the lots were tiny. We walked down by the beach and ran in to a guy who builds amazing sand castles. He had a couple of them built up and they were super cool.

Later that afternoon we went to a really fun appointment with my sister. I had talked her into scheduling a 3D ultrasound to find out what the gender of her baby was. We were all really excited about it and it was a super fun way to celebrate her birthday.

She found a place that had a floor to ceiling theater screen and stage seating for us all the sit on. We had a blast watching that little baby BOY move around like a crazy kid. At the very end he turned towards us and flashed us what looked like the biggest smile we have ever seen. We about died and certainly feel in love with that little guy right then and there. We're very excited to meet him at the end of August. We of course found ourselves an outlet mall later that night and got him started on his wardrobe. 

Saturday was definitely when the rain came out full force! We spent the morning in the San Diego Temple doing sealing and then had a nice man give us a little tour. There is no denying how beautiful that temple is on the inside and out.

The rest of that day we tried our best to find things to do that didn't require being outside. It's a little bit tough in a place like this so we took a bit of a break and went to a movie. Then we headed to Old Town to visit and Mormon Battalion Museum, which was really neat and then to a mexican dinner complete with a serenade and delicious food. We finished the night by walking the streets, visiting the shops and buying a few souvenirs. 

We were sad to see our trip come to an end! My dad was a great navigator and always had a good plan of what to do. This is only the third time Jeremy and I have had a chance to get away without the kids and it was very much enjoyed. They spent the weekend with Jeremy's sister and her family and we couldn't be more grateful to them for taking them for us. We know they were in great hands and didn't worry about them for a second.  

Hopefully we have a chance to do something like this again sooner rather than later. Jeremy is a crazy working man and it something seems we only see each other in passing as we go about our various responsibilities. Weekends like this are very much needed and I am grateful for the chance we had to go!


luke and kourt said...

I am so jealous of your Segway tour! That looks so fun! I also love your pics of the temple, especially the rainy one :) What a fun vacay, I bet it was a blast!

Nicole said...

It all looks like so much fun! I'm inspired now to visit San Diego and do the segway tour!!

JaKe and NaT* said...

I am so JEALOUS you got to do the Segway tour! Just recently I have had 2 different families that are my cousins do that and i loved lookin at all their pics and yours.. I will definetly be doin that when i can go there.. Also, congrats on being prego? I'm so excited for you guys!! So glad you got to go on a little vaca without and the kids!

Jamie said...

I'm obsessed with the photo of the temple behind the rain, so very cool. I'd love to see it blown up huge and used as art, amazing.