Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Few Random Evenings

Jase and I were laying on my bed scrolling through pictures on my computer and I realized there were a few a haven't posted that I thought maybe a couple grandmas or grandpas might enjoy.

 Back in August was the Washington County Fair. Each night they had different activities so we went out there a couple of the nights to enjoy the festivities. One of the nights was the Laser Show. It wasn't quite what we were expecting, but Kylie thought it would be fun to go down into the arena and play in the fog with a friend of hers. Too bad it was really stinky and they couldn't stand it for very long. 
 The next night we went back and rode some of the rides. There is nothing like a county fair to bring out the finest a county has to offer. Some of the high school kids we saw there made me extremely nervous for my own to grow up.  It sure makes people watching amusing.
 The kids were pretty brave with their roller coaster riding and I think they had a good time.
 Addley is always  good sport and just spends her time waiting for her brother and sister to finish what they are doing.

We finished the night with our two most favorite things; snow cones and fireworks.

 A couple weekends ago we were looking for something to do so we did what we  do best. Threw on our suits (well, the kids did) grabbed some pizza and headed to the downtown river. 
 There just happened to be a parade going on  right by us and much to Kylie's excitement she got a glimpse of the Rodeo Royalty she's been obsessed with for the past little while.
 Addley was perfectly content laying on the grass in the shade enjoying the breeze. We're definitely enjoying the cooler evening around here.

I think this will always be our go to spot. The kids love it and lucky for us we pretty much had the place to our selves.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Growing An Orchard

A couple weeks ago Jeremy's parents brought us down a whole box of peaches they had grown in their backyard and they were delicious! Kylie took one look at the pit inside one of them and was sure she could grow a tree of her own. She talked Jase into eating a peach as well so they could plant his in hopes of doubling their chances for success. They planted it in our garden and have faithful attended to their every needs ever since.

Everyday you can find them out there with their watering can trying their very best to get those pits as much water as necessary.
Then they make that long, hot trek back to the garden... OK, it's not really long. I'm just trying to be dramatic.

Sadly, so far nothing has come of it, but they are still holding out hoping that maybe, just maybe something incredible might happen.

Secretly as their mom I am hoping that eventually they will get bored with it before they get too disappointed and realize a tree was never going to grow. I certainly don't want to be the one to break it to them. Bess their little hearts!

P.S. Someday we'll get a backyard...someday!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Mom, You've Gotta Blog About This"

The last few days at Kylie's school they have been getting them excited about the Rodeo that's coming up. On Wednesday they had a big assembly where the Rodeo Queen and Princess came along with the Rodeo Clown and Kylie LOVED it. She came home so excited to tell me all about what each of them do. She was so cute in explaining how the Rodeo clown is very brave and distract the bulls after they've bucked a guy off. She also couldn't get enough of the beautiful Rodeo Queen and Princess. She told me all about their "super cute cowgirl shirts" with sparkles and fringe and their long pretty hair. She was mesmerized! :)

Today they got the chance to dress up which Kylie loves to do! I think she had her outfit picked out for days.  As she was standing in the mirror playing with her bandana she says,"Mom, you've gotta blog about this!" We grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures, which of course she new ALL the cowgirl poses. It's so fun watching her get excited.

Kylie has really thrived in 1st grade. She has a great teacher that told me she is a very hard worker and always tries her best. Her teacher is amazed at how easily she makes friends and was really grateful that Kylie was so quick to befriended her daughter who was new to the school. I'm grateful for how well she is doing and the opportunity she has to go to a great school.

Special days like these are really fun for her and I know she enjoys the little break from a day full of work. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Bumbo & a New Trick

For some reason I have always wanted a Bumbo for my babies, but I have never liked the price tag so I have never bought one. I was really excited when the ladies I work with in Young Womens got together and gave one to me at a baby shower. I was anxious to pull it out and finally decided Addley was old enough and strong enough to try it. She was so cute and I think she really enjoyed the world from this new view point.  I can't help but laugh at a baby in a Bumbo.

Kylie saw the Bumbo as the perfect oppurtunity to play hairdresser.  Addley seemed to enjoy herself for a little while, until it got a little too exhausting to sit and be pretty.

 My baby girl has also started to roll over!! I must not remember baby milestones very well because I CAN NOT believe she is already old enough to be doing that. Why do babies have to grow up so fast?

She's always been very alert and she's always very curious of what's going on around her. Her head always seems to be going about a mile a minute as she tried to keep up with the craziness her brother and sister cause.
But it can be pretty exhausting! She's good at letting us know when she's had enough and I am sure she'll be grateful when she's learned to roll back over, but for now I'd just like her to stay little.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

3 Months Old

When are babies not considered newborns anymore? I refuse to think Addley has grow out of the newborn phase. I would love for her to stay tiny forever, even though her little personality shines through more and more everyday. She is such a content, easy going, low maintenance type of girl with the biggest smile I have ever seen.  I love being greeted first thing in the morning and after naps with her toothless grin and excited leg kicks.  She's very alert and seems to be very content to just lay and watch the world around her. She's very playful and engaging and often "speaks," which I love. Her little voice is so sweet and makes her quite the charmer. I feel like often times she is on the verge of laughter and I can't hardly wait for that to happen!

She has become an awesome sleeper and will sleep just about anywhere. She's not a sound sleeper and tends to be woken up with every little sound so she's been graduated from the cradle in our room to the crib in hers. She sleeps the very best on her stomach and more often then not I can just lay her down in there still awake and she puts herself to sleep. Nighttime can sometimes be a little tougher for that, but for the most part we really can't complain. The last few night she has slept from about 9:30 to about 8:30 the next morning which has been amazing! I'm hoping it continues!

She's got some chub to die for, my favorite being on her legs. Her cute little chin gets most of the comments, but I find her to be very pinch-able everywhere. I just took her to her well-check and she weighs in at 12 lbs and is 23 in long, putting her in the 58% for weight and the 62% for height. Pretty perfect if you ask me!!   She brings so much love and joy to our family.  Kylie and Jase continue to be smitten by her and very protective. She makes us so happy and life that much richer!