Saturday, September 1, 2012

3 Months Old

When are babies not considered newborns anymore? I refuse to think Addley has grow out of the newborn phase. I would love for her to stay tiny forever, even though her little personality shines through more and more everyday. She is such a content, easy going, low maintenance type of girl with the biggest smile I have ever seen.  I love being greeted first thing in the morning and after naps with her toothless grin and excited leg kicks.  She's very alert and seems to be very content to just lay and watch the world around her. She's very playful and engaging and often "speaks," which I love. Her little voice is so sweet and makes her quite the charmer. I feel like often times she is on the verge of laughter and I can't hardly wait for that to happen!

She has become an awesome sleeper and will sleep just about anywhere. She's not a sound sleeper and tends to be woken up with every little sound so she's been graduated from the cradle in our room to the crib in hers. She sleeps the very best on her stomach and more often then not I can just lay her down in there still awake and she puts herself to sleep. Nighttime can sometimes be a little tougher for that, but for the most part we really can't complain. The last few night she has slept from about 9:30 to about 8:30 the next morning which has been amazing! I'm hoping it continues!

She's got some chub to die for, my favorite being on her legs. Her cute little chin gets most of the comments, but I find her to be very pinch-able everywhere. I just took her to her well-check and she weighs in at 12 lbs and is 23 in long, putting her in the 58% for weight and the 62% for height. Pretty perfect if you ask me!!   She brings so much love and joy to our family.  Kylie and Jase continue to be smitten by her and very protective. She makes us so happy and life that much richer!


Nicole said...

She is so stinkin cute!

Alexis said...

oh my gosh!!!!!! she is growing up way too quick, what happened!? man i cannot wait to see you guys in a few weeks! i miss that adorable baby!

Rogers Family said...

Oh my heck!!! She is just precious!! Love the little chubs she's getting :-)

luke and kourt said...

Her chub is to die for!! What a sweet little girlie!