Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Bumbo & a New Trick

For some reason I have always wanted a Bumbo for my babies, but I have never liked the price tag so I have never bought one. I was really excited when the ladies I work with in Young Womens got together and gave one to me at a baby shower. I was anxious to pull it out and finally decided Addley was old enough and strong enough to try it. She was so cute and I think she really enjoyed the world from this new view point.  I can't help but laugh at a baby in a Bumbo.

Kylie saw the Bumbo as the perfect oppurtunity to play hairdresser.  Addley seemed to enjoy herself for a little while, until it got a little too exhausting to sit and be pretty.

 My baby girl has also started to roll over!! I must not remember baby milestones very well because I CAN NOT believe she is already old enough to be doing that. Why do babies have to grow up so fast?

She's always been very alert and she's always very curious of what's going on around her. Her head always seems to be going about a mile a minute as she tried to keep up with the craziness her brother and sister cause.
But it can be pretty exhausting! She's good at letting us know when she's had enough and I am sure she'll be grateful when she's learned to roll back over, but for now I'd just like her to stay little.


Ashley Bean said...

Haha, I love that Kylie plays hairdresser with her! They are the same age difference as you and me. I was definitely your guinea pig for "hairdresser" a time or two. For Addley's sake I hope Kylie doesn't discover the "photo shoot" aspect of doing Addley's hair ;)

Penny said...

That baby is the cutest thing ever!! She just makes me laugh! xoxox

Jamie said...

Oh, the expression on her face in that first photo is adorable!