Friday, March 1, 2013

9 Months Old

This girl has 9 whole months old, which if I am being honest I feel like she has been with us forever. She just fits seemlessly in our lives and I really can't imagine what it was like without her, as cliche as that is. She continues to be the baby with the biggest smile in the world. Her whole face lights up and she can make anyone around her so happy.  She's still the worlds best army crawler, but has recently tried her hand at crawling on all fours. She's smart though and knows she can get where she wants much faster being flat on her belly resulting in extremely filthy clothing by the end of the day. We call her the hoarder because she always has a death grip of random things in her hands that she'll carry around with her and if you even attempt to take it away she has a major come apart. She is still a great eater and is more than willing to try just about anything.  Her favorite of course is real people food. Sleeping though the night is still something to be desired by her parents, but she is much better at actually going to bed. Grandpa Hansen discovered her first two teeth coming though on the bottom. They aren't very visible, but they can be felt. She has started to pull herself up on things, but gets nervous after too long and wants to sit down. She's a handful during church, but can make friends with the best of them. We love her so much and are so grateful for her and her fun personality. She loves to cuddle and frequently will get shy and muzzle her little nose into my shoulder which I love.  There is no doubt she makes us so happy!

Oh, and did I mention she gives the BEST kisses ever?!?


Joanne said...

This post makes me smile! What a special little one you have. I just all three of your little children. You are such a good mom!

Rogers Family said...

sweet baby girl!!! she is seriously adorable!!! that last picture just melts my heart. baby kisses are the best. :-)