Sunday, March 3, 2013

Phoenix Half Marathon

People, this is crazy, but I can actually say I have ran a half marathon and more than that I can actually say I loved running a half marathon!! I would be the last person to ever think this is something I would ever do, but it was an absolute blast!! My sister caught me in a weak moment and I agreed to run it with her. I absolutely hated training for it, but I am so grateful for all the training I did because that is definitely what made it such an awesome run. Our goals in running this were to first and for most actually finish the race and second to run the entire thing. Mission accomplished on both!!

We had the absolute BEST support group all along the way! I'm not sure how they did it but Jeremy, Kylie, Jase, Addley, David, baby Drew, my mom, my dad and my little sister Lexie meet up with us several times along the way. In fact people all around us were starting to recognize them too. They even wore fun shirts for us too. At one point along the way Kylie and Jase were holding Krispy Kremes  in one hand and high fiving runners with the other, then every once in awhile Jase would lick his hand and then go back to handing out those high-fives!  

Ashley and I felt really good for most of the race. Our strategy was to take it slow and steady. We were warned by several people to make sure you stay at an extremely comfortable pace so we don't get worn out.  We took that advice and really did enjoy the race.  We had fun chatting and singing and pretty much doing whatever it took to distract us from what we were actually doing. I remember we got to mile 8 and we were so excited because we only had 5 more to go. That seemed to reenergize us until we got to about mile 11 and then I hit a wall!! I don't know what happened, but those last two miles were pure torture for me. We had driven the course the day before so we would kinda know what to expect and I knew the end would be near once we came upon a major decline in the road. It was torture anticipating that down hill part because I could have sworn it was just around the corner about 10 times.  FInally it came and it was sweet relief to head down the hill turn a corner run just a little ways farther and then see the finish line ahead. I had every intention of finishing the race the way I always finished a run with a sprint to the end, but I just couldn't do it. I'm not even sure I smiled, but man it was an amazing feeling to cross the finish line and know what I had just accomplished!! I can't believe I did it!!

 There is absolutely no one else I would have rather done this with. She got me into this mess, but she was also so fun to run with and a great motivator for me. She drug me through those last few miles and I am so grateful she did!

I am grateful for a supportive husband and kids that put up with all the training and complaining. I'm not sure this is something I will ever do again, but I am proud to say I have done it. It seemed like a crazy thing for this non-runner to do, but I'm glad I did it...just don't ever count me in for a full marathon, that will never happen!!

1 comment:

Ashley Bean said...

Reading this makes me want to do another run! We should find a 10K or something!! Thanks for being my running buddy. You're the best!!