Monday, June 8, 2009

All in a Week's Work

After, what seemed like forever, really only three weeks, the builders finally got our permit back for our house and have continued to build. Its coming along marvelously! We get more and more excited every time we go out to see it, which quite frankly, is every single day! We thought it would be fun to take a picture of the progress every single day. This may only be interesting to us, but we wanted to document it.
We happened to be there when they made the first dig.

The first couple picture aren't too exciting. Most of it is just prep work, but this was last MONDAY, June 1st.

TUESDAY. They put up the footing

WEDNESDAY. They did all the plumbing.

THURSDAY The slab was poured.
FRIDAY We had a few walls going up and the garage floor poured.

By SUNDAY the whole first floor was framed and sheeted, the stairs were built and the floor of the second level was laid with markings for the rooms up there.

MONDAY again. We now have the outside walls upstairs sheeted and all the bedrooms framed...Tomorrow comes the roof!

Just a few random pictures of our time out there. Kylie and Taylor are standing in our front door. Jase is sitting under the arch that leads from our family room to our kitchen and in the other picture Kylie is standing in the wall of our mud room.


Robyn said...

WOW! That is awesomely fast. What a great idea to document it like that!

Dyer Family said...

Looks like you'll have plenty of room for us to move in!!!HAHA

Roger and Tammy Family said...

WOW!!!! I can't believe how fast your house is being built, how FUN!!!
Love seeing pictures of the kids they are soooo cute!!

Reid and Brittney said...

Everything looks great!! It is coming along really fast. Congratulations, it is so fun to watch the progress. Can't wait to see the finished product. I am so excited for you!!!

Brad & Beth said...

What the heck??? Who gets their house built in like one week??? I swear it took us nine months from start to finish!!! That is awesome! I am excited for you!

Kristi said...

WOW that is fast!!! HOw exciting!!

Letters-2-Lily said...

So cool!! Congrats on the new house how fun!!