Friday, June 5, 2009

Jase's First Swim

Yesterday for playgroup we decided instead of the splash pad at the park we would head over to the pool and swim. I just bought Jase a swimsuit and wanted to see how he would do in the water. I didn't really expect him to like it because he does not take cold well at all. I have stuck his foot in before to see what he would do and he hated it every time, but still I wanted to try. Much to my surprise he seemed to really like it. It took a minute to get used to and he whimpered for a second, but after the initial shock he was as content as could be. I stuck him in the baby floaty and he just hung out sucking on his fingers, wishing I would pass him a Pina Colada, thinking life was great. I was so fun to see how much he enjoyed it . The only bad thing is I now have zero excuse not to get in the water anymore. Kylie loves the water and is getting more and more comfortable with it. I still have to talk her into getting her hair wet and she doesn't fully trust her arm floaties yet, but she is working on it and loves to swim. I will definitely miss having easy access to a pool when we move.


Robyn said...

I can't believe how BIG he's getting. YAY!

Reid and Brittney said...

So fun!! Jase is getting so big, his face has filled out. He is such a handsome little guy. My kids love the pool too and would spend all day in it if I would let them. I hope things are going great for you guys!!!

Mills Family said...

oh he is so cute in his little floaty. I need 2 get my boys in the pool and see if they will like it.

Joanne said...

cute pictures! I cant believe how much he looks like his grandpa Hansen.

leslie said...

it was so cute to watch him just chillin' in the pool. we need to take advantage of it while we still have it! mike might take it away:)