Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Jase

I took Jase into the doctor for his 4 month check-up. We are obviously a little bit late considering he will be 6 months in a week, (which I can not believe) but his Synargist shot was due then and so we had to hold off on his other shots until now. Anyway, he is doing great! He is growing and developing just like he should. He weighs 12 lbs 14 oz and is 23 1/2 in. We are excited to say he is on offically on the charts with his weight and his head circumference, 10% with his head and 5% with his weight, his height hasn't quite made it, but the doctor says that is normal for babies who are trying to catch up. Usually their head is first, then their weight, then their height. He says everything else looks great and he is developing well.

Jase is one cute little boy! We still battle with acid-reflux and CONSTANT spitting up. My carpets will tell you it's been rough! He insists on being held all the time and we are still working on sleeping better at night. I sometimes have had a hard time knowing what he "should" be doing at his age and what he is actually capable of doing. I have to remind myself that he is going to act a little bit younger then he really is. He still hates his car seat and screams blood murder anytime he is in there without someone in the backseat with him (Kylie apparently doesn't count). We all hope he grows out of that soon! He can be challenging at times, but even after those long days when he hasn't napped very well, needed my full attention constantly and fought us going to bed I can't help but be so grateful he is healthy and thriving the way he is. I love his smile and the sounds he makes. He loves people, watching big crowds and sucking on his fingers. I can't believe he is already 6 months and in 6 more months he will be year!


Clark Family said...

He is so cute. And don't worry with each day it will get easier and better and you will look back and wonder where the time went.

Jamie said...

I can't believe how much he has grown! He is so cute.

Rogers Family said...

I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so well! He is getting so big and he is such a cutie. Congrats on his development and progress.

Nicole said...

He is so adorable! I totally feel your pain with the constant spitting up. Maggie did that too. i invested in a lot of bibs with plastic on the back so she wouldn't drench herself by 9 am. She grew out of it around 10 months or so. Hopefully he will too.

Mills Family said...

He is so cute, i can't believe he is 6 months either wow how time flys. I feel your pain about the spitting up, Ayden has been so hard with that we have tried different formulas and we finally put him on the acid reflux medicine and switched him to soy and he is doing so much better he still has his days but its nothing like it was so we are going through as many bibs. Anyways so good luck with that its so not fun.

Reid and Brittney said...

So cute. Glad to hear that he is growing great. I have that same outfit for my new baby, super cute!!!