Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Festivities

It's not very often that Jeremy has a long weekend off and we aren't running to AZ or somewhere else really quick, but this weekend we stayed home and decided to take advantage of the beauty around us. We live so close to some many amazing places around here, but seem to take it for granted most of the time. Yesterday we decided to take advantage of some of the neat places by going to Zion...well, almost. We made the decision got ready, packed up and drove out there enjoying the little town as we drove through it. We get up to the booth to pay to get into the park and lets be honest, people who come wearing flip-flops and have a baby in a stroller with a two year old they are probably going to have to carry and planning on only having a little picnic and walking a short trail, is not going to get their moneys worth. So we sheepishly asked if we could turn around and found a grassy, shady area at the Springdale Elementary. The weather was perfect. We had our picnic and ran around on the grass. It was so fun to get away and spend time together as a family.

This was my view on the way there and back thanks to Jase and his uncooperative attitude anytime we get in the car. Apparently just having either Jeremy or me sitting back by him makes all the difference on the world.

I told Kylie to go run around on the grass and I would take her picture. She opted for a photo shoot and provided all her own poses.

Enjoying themselves

Jase was absolutely perfectly content just laying on the grass under the big tree watching the leaves blow. He laid there forever as happy as can be.

On the way home we passed an ostrich farm. I tried to get Kylie to get out and take a picture by the fence, but she would have none of that, so we just sat in the car rolled down the window, Jeremy whistled to get the ostrich to look up while we took the picture. While we were there one of the ostriches went to the bathroom and Kylie couldn't stop talking about it on the way home. Today when she saw this picture she reminded me that, "The ostrich pooped and peed, but he didn't wipe."

Later on in the day we headed up to Cedar to visit my grandma and Jeremy's parents. We stopped by the cemetery on our way to dinner to see if the beautiful flowers at my grandpa's grave had survived the rain storm. They still looked great and it was nice to spend a few minutes out there. By the way, we watched the temperature drop 40 degrees as we drove up from St. George. Needless to say we were not dressed for the weather in Cedar. None the less we had a really good day and hope for more like these.


Kristi said...

What a fun day.. I love the photo shoot!! You have such a cute little family.

Letters-2-Lily said...

Looks like fun! You're kids are so adorable and are getting so big! Glad the weather held out for you, I wish I could say the same for us!!

Dyer Family said...

Haha! I love kylie's attitude in those pictures! See you guys soon:)

Clark Family said...

Kylie is so adorable. Looks like you had fun. If you are into the National Park stuff it is worth your while to buy an annual pass. Zions is 40 minutes, Grand Canyon 2hrs. and Bryce 2 hrs away too. We love doing day trips to these place on open weekends. It is so fun and the kids love hiking now just as much as we do. Sometimes it takes convincing towards the end of the hike but such fun memories. I think Kylie would love it.

Wendi said...

Your kids are so cute!! Glad you had a good day. Congrats on the new house to be! We love ours. It is a fun process, and SOOOO nice to have our own yard!

leslie said...

fun times! kylie has quite the little attitude... i came over about an hour ago,but it must have been nap time. tomorrow do you want to go to the splash pad?

The Estes Family said...

That is so crazy that 40 miles makes that much difference in weather!! Glad you had a good weekend!!