Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kylie's Most Exciting Day

Kylie (along with the rest of us, of course) always benefit when grandparents come to town and this time wasn't any different. Grandma and Grandpa Hansen and Aunt Amanda came to visit before they take Amanda up to school in a few days and we have had a great time with them.

The other night while Kylie was giving Grandpa a tour of our neighborhood Grandpa was feeling bad because all she had to ride was her little purple tricycle while all the other kids had their big cool bike and battery powered cars so the next day he took her to the store and bought her one of these...

She was so excited!! She was a little bit nervous at first trying to get the hang of it, but it didn't take long and now she cruises. Grandpa even hooked-up the turbo speed and that girl flys down the street going 5 miles an hour!!
This wasn't all that made the day exciting she also got her much anticipated PINK room! She has been dying for this. She couldn't wait for Grandma to get here because she promised her she would help paint her room.

We still have all the decorating to do, but the color turned out so cute and I think if she hadn't just got back from buying the 4-wheeler with Grandpa she would have been more excited about it too!

And to top it all off Jeremy, Kylie and I went to Kylie's little back-to-school night for her new preschool. She has been talking about going to school forever can't wait for it to start in a few weeks! I think going to her school and seeing it made it even more exciting for her and made it more real for her! Needless to say it was one great day for this little girl!!


Letters-2-Lily said...

Oh how fun! I got one of those 4 wheelers when I was a kid, it was so fun! We just painted Joslynn's room purple. Its so fun to see the kids get so excited.

Dyer Family said...

She is now the coolest kid in the neighborhood!!

Brad & Beth said...

Andrea! can I just say that while I am so bored at work I remember that I can ALWAYS be entertained by your blog!!! :D I LOVE seeing what you guys are up to and laughing at the cute and funny things Kylie says and does!!! :D

Kristi said...

OH my..... How Fun!! I ALWAYS wanted one of those when I was a kid!!!

Joanne said...

yep! keeping up with the Hansen grandparents won't be easy! but I will give it my best shot!!Shes a lucky little girl, but what makes her so lucky is all the love she has around her. I too love to read your blog just to see what she says everyday. I am always sad when you get behind! Oh, and I love the pink room. What fun!

Nicole said...

It looks like she is zooming down the street! How fun!