Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vegas & Kylie's Preschool Parade

The Dyers invited us to Vegas this weekend. Curtis was able to swing a couple free rooms which always makes getting away a little more enjoyable. We left Friday after work, stopped in Mesquite for some $4.99 prime rib and continued the rest of the way south. We got there just after dark and Kylie was mesmerized by all the lights as we drove to our hotel. We strapped all the kids into strollers and headed out to find the G rated entertainment. This picture is blurry, but this is what we looked like going down the street. As you can imagine we got quite a few stares from people walking passed us. To be honest though, that city is absolutely filthy and rather disgusting and I would just assume stand out a little bit then fit in to that crowd! We did manage however to find some fun things for the kids to see.

First we stopped at, really I don't know which hotel it was, and watched the water fountain show. For some reason it made Kylie a little nervous, but Jase watched intently and I thought it was pretty cool. Our next stop was the Volcano show a few hotel down. Kylie really liked this one. I had told her about it earlier in the day and she thought it was a fire show and kept asking me to buy marshmallow because she wanted to eat them with the fire. She didn't quite get it at first.

These few things may not seem like much, but after fighting crowds with a double-wide stroller, the heat and a time change we were pretty tuckered out at this point. It was time to head back to our rooms and Boston and Jase sum up just about how we were all feeling.

Our rooms were nice with a pretty cool view and we even managed to find the perfect spot for Jase to sleep.

We were up bright and early the next the day to hit the attractions the kids were really excited about. First was the M&M Factory. Kylie had been talking about EATING the giant M&M all morning, but got totally freaked out when she saw the M&M character outside greeting people. She wouldn't step foot outside to stroller for even a picture with him. She thought the factory was really fun and Jase even sat nice on my lap for the movie. We also tried to see the lions (or maybe they were tigers or maybe both) at the MGM, but that turned into a bust when they wouldn't come out and play. We also attempted the NY NY roller coaster, but decided that was too expensive. Next was the Coke store, which once again Kylie just about had a heart attack when she saw the polar bear in there taking pictures. She insisted we leave the store. We were able to talk her out of it as long as we promised not to take her anywhere near that bear. After lunch we had to say good-bye so Kylie could be back to be in her parade. We had a good time in Vegas. It was fun to get away for the weekend and show the kids some of the things a remember seeing as a kid. Its definitely not a place I want to visit real often, but we did manage to find some really fun things do!

We got back to St. George in time for Kylie to meet up with her preschool to participate in the Dixie Lions Round-up Parade before the rodeo. The parade was really long and super hot, but it was so fun to see Kylie when their float finally made their way to us. She was sitting on a trailer in her shirt waving and throwing candy. She was really nervous at first about us leaving her for some reason, but I think she got into it and loved it by the end!! I was telling Jeremy how weird it was that we had to be back because Kylie had somewhere to be. We have started a whole new phase of run our kids around to where they need to be. Jeremy just said, "You better get used to it." We had a fun busy weekend!!


Nicole said...

Is that a drawer? It's like that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer rents out drawers in his big dresses to Japanese guys. :) Too funny.

The Estes Family said...

Looks like fun, I love Vegas, and free rooms is always nice!!

Letters-2-Lily said...

My husband refuses to go to Vegas anymore! So I'm jealous that you got to go cause I probably never will. Looks like fun!!