Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Slush, the Sleepover Puppy

Kylie comes running out of Preschool last Thursday so excited because it was her turn to bring home Slush the class pet. It was her job to feed this dog, play with him, take him to the bathroom and care for him. She spent the whole ride home feeding him from his bottle and talking to him. I was little bit nervous having such a big responsibility on our hands. This dog comes with a long list of instructions such as; don't let your little siblings play with him, don't get him dirty, don't hurt him, make sure he comes back the very next class time and I am sure the list went on and on. Her teacher also spent quite a few minutes at back-to-school night talking about the sleepover pet and his well-being. Needless to say, I would have just assumed put him in the top of my closet until she went back to school, but Kylie was also suppose to report back the next class about all the fun they had together. So I let them play and she actually did a very good job taking care of him. She would sit in her rocking chair and feed him, she would wrap him up in his blanket and he would sleep by her.
I was however, somewhat relieved when today came and we could take him back to be shared with someone else. I was also relieved that he was in one piece and all of his accessories were with him. Kylie has him in his basket on her lap as we drive to school and she kept telling me how sad she was to give Slush back and she wanted to keep him forever. I told her that she would probably have another chance and the other kids needed a turn also. Then all the sudden from the backseat I hear a cough and then the sound of throw-up. I look back just in time to see Slush get plastered with oatmeal and apple juice. Poor guy!!! I continue the two more minutes I have to get to preschool, drop off Taylor (Kylie's friend) and sheepishly tell her teacher why Slush will not be returned today. I promptly take Kylie and Slush home and spend the morning getting Slush back into his mint condition. We just hope Slush will get a second chance at our house so we can try to prove ourselves again!


Mills Family said...

That is hilarious!

Jamey said...

Wow - I can't believe that puppy comes with so many instructions. I have a pet that we send home from preschool, and the only instructions it has is: have fun! I send the pet, and a notebook, that is it. Hopefully the parents don't think it is too much to keep track of. I have had it come back once last year, and it said that he spent the weekend in the car, because they forgot to get him out.

Hopefully the kids have fun having him at home. (I throw mine in the washing machine every week)

Rogers Family said...

She is getting so big!!

leslie said...

that sounds just like lacy:) love it.

i'm in need of a haircut. does kylie have any openings?

The Estes Family said...

Thats so funny!!

Letters-2-Lily said...

HAHA thats way funny! Kind of seems like a germ fest though if all the kids get to take him home? Maybe thats what made her sick!

Robyn said...

That is a crazy story! You were SO close to taking him back.

JaKe and NaT* said...

that just made my day!! haha i so was not expecting that!

The Butterfields said...

Oh dear - how funny!