Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Week's Happenings

We have kind of just been living regular old life lately with nothing much to show for it, but finally this week I feel like we actually got out and had some fun.
On Wednesday Kylie's friend Taylor celebrated her 4th birthday with a little play date to Jumping Jacks. Its a fun warehouse full of inflatable bounce houses and big slides. Kylie is not a fan of slides and especially giant ones. I could not get her to go down one for anything. She preferred the bounce houses and cheap merri-go-rounds you would find at the entrance of any Walmart. Jase loved to bounce and especially loved the padded floor to crawl on. That is the first time we had been there and it was really fun and very effective way to wear kids out before naps!

Friday found us at our ward part at the Staheli Farm. This is the second year we've gone and we love it there. Our favorite parts are the tracker-pull train, the slides into the corn box (except we don't go down the slide we just play in the corn) the animals and the corn maize.

The second I sat Jase in the corn box, corn went straight into his mouth. You can see him trying to chew it right here. He was in there long enough to get a picture and then had to get out.

It took Kylie a minute, but she finally got brave enough to pet the animals and quite liked them by the end.

We tried our hand at the corn maize which was fun for about the first hour then it started getting a little chili and the sun was going down. Our only option was to cheat our way through and cut through the corn stocks.

The kids loved it and ran full speed ahead at first, but by the end they had had enough.
Notice the sun, or the lack thereof in the background when we finally got done.
The night ended with a bonfire and roasting marshmallows. Kylie wouldn't have anything to do with burnt mallows. They had to be just right or she wouldn't touch them!


Alexis said...

Thats looks so fun!!! i am SO excited to see you guys on Tuesday!!! :D

The Estes Family said...

Looks like fun, your kids are getting big!!

Letters-2-Lily said...

So much fun! Fall is fun with corn maizes and all the activities! Your kids are just so cute!!

The Carter's said...

Your kids are getting so big and cuter everyday!!