Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Making Hard Decisions

As soon as Kylie was done eating her dinner Monday night and she out of her seat and on her way out the door, but not before I said to her, "Kylie it's Monday night and we need to have Family Night. You can play for a few minutes and then you have to come in when we tell you." She agreed and was off. Well, as you can imagine it wasn't as easy to get her to come back in as she had promised. All of her friends were out and the evening temps are the perfect time to play. She was having too much fun on her bike and she didn't want to be bothered. Jeremy called for her through the window, but she wasn't willing to come in, so I thought I would try a different approach. She was standing next to an open window when I showed her the Friend Magazine and told her I had a fun story to read her and then we could play a game and possible have a treat. She still wasn't convinced it was something she wanted to do, so I then asked her what Heavenly Father and Jesus would want her to. I asked her what her Primary teacher would want her to do. She stopped, thought about it for a second and then said, "They would want me to come in and I want them to be happy." It wasn't two seconds later she willing came running through the door.

We actually had a really fun night. I told Kylie a couple stories from the Friend. One about President Monson (who she LOVES) and one about Jesus walking on water which she thought was awesome. We then played Go Fish with the number cards from our Uno game. Kylie was first on my team then on Jeremy's. Then she decided she could do it on her own and she did awesome! She recognized the numbers in her hand and knew what to ask for. She also knew if she had a card that Jeremy or I had asked for. She knew when she had four cards and could lay them down. It was SO fun to watch her play and be able to do it on her own! We had such a great time together and I am glad we can take the time to be together. I am grateful for Kylie's decision and her willingness to want to make Heavenly Father and Jesus happy! She's not always willing to listen to me, but when I ask her what Jesus would want her to do she'll soften and want to make him happy.


Dyer Family said...

Curtis and I were just talking about how we need to more consistent with FHE...Its so easy to push it aside, but we both realized Taylor is at that age where she's soaking up so much, that we need to be feeding her as much positive and good as we can! Thanks for the reminder:)

Jamie said...

Wow! What an amazing little girl you have.

Karlie said...

Too cute! Hey thanks for the reply to my email the other week. I have some recipes that I'll email to you. I am on a great track to getting to where I want to be! It helps to know that we are all on the same track :)