Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Over the Weekend...

We attended the PBR (to be honest, I don't even know what that stands for. I assume it stands for _______ Bull Riding) It was pretty fun to watch though. I like that sort of thing once in awhile. We had really good seats right down at the front except the kids mostly just ran around everywhere.

Jase has learned that crawling on your knees hurts after awhile so he crawls like this and makes people laugh. As you can imagine his hands are filthy when he's done and he wants to pick every little thing up off the ground. Really, REALLY, something has got to be done with his unwillingness to walk!

Mother's Day was a great day. We first spent it at church where Kylie was anxiously anticipating the time she could go up and sing with the Primary until it actually came time and then she wanted nothing to do with it.  After church we went up to Cedar to have dinner with Jeremy's family and spend some time with my grandma and sister.  It was a very nice day and I was sad I left my camera at home.  I was spoiled by my husband and kids with a new clock I can't wait to hang up and Kylie was insistent on getting me flowers (she LOVES to do that for me...what a sweetie) Jeremy also wrestled Jase during Priesthood/Relief Society for the second week in a row. What a nice guy! 
I am grateful for the examples of great mothers I have in my life. My own mother is absolutely amazing and I am so blessed to have her as my own (she gives the BEST advice). My mother-in-law is also wonderful and I am so thankful for all she does for us. I am also grateful for my friends and other women I watch as they are mothers and great examples they are. I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in this world. I have been truly blessed and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for that.


Karlie said...

Ya PBS Professional Bull Riders. You got it. Fun! I used to be so into that kind of stuff:P Glad you had a good Mother's day, and thanks for the comment!

Jamie said...

I love Jase's creativity - knees hurt find another way.

Amanda Hansen said...

yeah I had to ask around to find out what it was before I went too. City girls..

Ashley Bean said...

haha Jase is so funny. Hopefully we will walk soon. Just call him spiderman!