Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jase Loves a Good Stroller

There is something about strollers that Jase loves. We put him in one and he totally relaxes. We don't even have to be pushing it. He just likes to sit in it. Our neighbors often comment on how funny it is that he will just sit forever and totally chill while he watches the other kids play.

Yesterday when we got home from the store. I got Jase out of the car and headed into the house. He cried out a little and pointed to the stroller, so I sat him in it and proceeded to unload the car. When I was done and ready to come in, he would not let me get him out. I couldn't just leave him in a hot garage so I    wheeled him right in to the house. And there he sat, for a really long time while I put the groceries away and unloaded the dishwasher. He was perfectly content and I am considering making the stroller a permanent piece of furniture!


Jamie said...

He's hilarious!

Kristi said...

Hey why not!!! Its his Happy Chair!! :D Everyone has one!! Or should at least

Clark Family said...

Hye don't fix what isn't broken and he seems to love it so ...Let it be! ha that is too funny though that it happens to be a stroller. Whatever works though!

Mills Family said...

That is hilarious and at least you know he is not getting into mischief while you are busy doing things!