Thursday, July 22, 2010


If there is one thing I have learned about Kylie it's that she is one determined little girl. If she wants something or wants to learn something she works and works and works at it. This past week or so she has been dying to learn how to do a cartwheel. She's been practicing and practicing and today I think she did it.  She can't quite land on her feet yet, but she told me she really really wants to and asked me if doing them off the couch would help. I told her probably not and she would probably break her neck in the process. She asked, " Would that mean I couldn't swallow?" 

My camera's not the best for taking movement shots, but I tried to get a few of her ding them. I told her to keep her legs straight and maybe that would help her land on her feet. We'll see what another week of practicing provides. 


Jamie said...

I have a feeling she'll have it figured out within days.

leslie said...

love it. and love the new couches!