Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Buddy and Me

Poor Jase has been stuck with just me all week while we've been Kylie-less. We've become quite the little buddies though. We haven't done much just mostly hung around playing on the floor with his toys and the occasional trip to the store or the park to play. I feel like he's starting to grow up a little bit and he  cracks me up! I probably hear a millions a time a day him either say "Go ride" (meaning Go for a ride either in the car or in his stroller... or if we're walking passing a riding lawn mower) or "Go wee" (Go to the park). He also has the cutest little laugh and laughs at pretty much ANYTHING. He loves to put on a show and watch our reactions. He's big on giving kisses and loves to cuddle. I would almost dare say he now walks more then he crawls, something I thought would never happen! He's loves to bathe and he's great at helping clean his toys up. I love this little guy. We've had a good time together.  I can tell he misses Kylie and sometimes goes in search for her. Yesterday he was sitting on my lap and we were looking at picture on my computer. He would laugh and get excited kicking his legs at any picture of either himself or Kylie.  She's had a great time in AZ, but we're excited to get her back!!

1 comment:

Debbie 'n Gary Talbot said...

he is getting so big! what a cutie!