Thursday, September 2, 2010

He's Ready

Jase does his best these days to try to keep up with the crowd of big kids around here. Sometimes when mom isn't very nice and won't let him go outside he will stand on the window seat in the front room and yell through the window, "Guys...guys...guys?" Poor kid. The other day he was playing out in the garage and found Kylie's helmet. He put it on the best he could and then tried his hardest to climb on her bike. His new phrase every time we go in the garage is, "Go ride bikes" Like I've mentioned before he is willing to ride just about anything and lately he's really been into Kylie's bikes and her 4-wheeler. I think it may be time to ditch all this pink and purple stuff and go for something a lit more manly. It's a good thing his birthday is in a few months or maybe we'll have to make sure Santa knows what's up!


Jamie said...

I can't believe he's already at that stage. I swear it feels like I just saw him and he wasn't even walking then.

Mills Family said...

Ya I am with Jamie, it was just a couple months ago and he didn't even want to walk and now he is riding bikes that is so crazy, I can't believe how big he is getting! he is so cute!